Big and Small

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Baekhyun's soft little hands on the crotch area of Kai's shorts shouldn't have bothered him so much, but it did. Chanyeol realized he thought about Baekhyun more than he should have been and he didn't understand why. Deciding to completely lock Baekhyun out most of the time was the only way Chanyeol could find himself concentrating a little bit on his work.

Baekhyun didn't like the feeling of being shunned. He figured he wasn't used to it since Chanyeol was always sticking his nose in his business. The lack of attention he was getting from Chanyeol was a bit depressing, but the amount of attention given to Kris' royal highness was slightly irritating to him—even more irritating was Kris' lack of boundaries when it came to Chanyeol.

Often times, Baekhyun would try and get some interaction out of Chanyeol because he had to admit that he missed his arguments and cross-fire insults with the giant. But since Chanyeol spent most of his time in his little work room, the only time Baekhyun would see him was when Chanyeol left the room to go to the bathroom.

Using Nugget as an excuse, Baekhyun burst into the main hall's bathroom—coincidentally the same bathroom Chanyeol was about to use—and nudged Chanyeol away from the toilet.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Chanyeol cried as he was practically shoved against the wall.

"Nugget needed to pee," Baekhyun mumbled as he set Nugget's hind legs on the edge of the toilet seat while holding most of his body.

Chanyeol frowned at the stupid reason for Baekhyun's intrusion. "One, the dog can pee outside. Two, he won't pee in the fucking bowl. His fucking penis is gonna shoot piss on the damn wall. Now get out."

"But I'm trying to teach Nugget how to—"

Chanyeol waved him off and pushed him aside in the direction of the door. "I don't have time for you right now, Baekhyun. Go away," Chanyeol said in a hard tone.



Baekhyun pursed his lips and out of self-defense shrugged. "Fine," he muttered, carrying Nugget under his arm. "Let's go outside, baby. Chanyeol's just being pissy..." Baekhyun said, mumbling the words to Nugget.

Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun dragged his feet out of the bathroom. Then he slammed the palm of both his hands on the sink counter, lowering his head as he groaned in utter frustration due to the fact that if Baekhyun had burst in a little later than when he had, he just might've caught Chanyeol touching himself.



In the laundry room, Baekhyun loaded all of Chanyeol's things in the washer, but when Nugget kept barking all of a sudden, Baekhyun had to turn around and see what was bothering the dog. When he turned his head, he saw Nugget in threatened stance, barking at one of Chanyeol's socks.

Baekhyun laughed and scrunched down. He picked up the sock by the end and shoved it in Nugget's face, which Nugget didn't like and backed away. "What's wrong, baby? You don't like it?"

Again, Baekhyun swayed the sock in front of Nugget and Nugget backed off, growling. Despite the growl, Baekhyun couldn't help, but laugh at the pup's sudden anger over the sock. Once again, Baekhyun put the sock right in front of Nugget's nose, but this time, Nugget had enough and fought back, biting the sock and ripping it out of Baekhyun's hand.

Alarmed at the aggression, Baekhyun frowned and tried to take the sock back. "Nugget, give the nasty sock back to dad!" he commanded, but Nugget wouldn't listen. It was after the both of them heard a small tear that Nugget let go and Baekhyun won the tug of war.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now