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Baekhyun's revelation created an awkward stance between Chanyeol and him. His butt was beginning to feel cold and he didn't like it anymore. Walking out stark naked in front of Chanyeol wouldn't have been a big deal, but Baekhyun already drew the line that they were just employer and maid. Baekhyun was sure that flashing Chanyeol would cross that line. The morning kisses didn't cross that line that he created—at least Baekhyun didn't think. They were just to show his appreciation for Nugget.

As the seconds went by, Nugget began to wonder why he sensed tense and awkward air between two. He stood up from his sitting position and barked, breaking Baekhyun and Chanyeol from their silence.

"That's why you should just go back inside," Baekhyun called out. "My balls are kinda...cold."

Chanyeol couldn't believe that Baekhyun openly said that. He locked his jaw and impatiently crossed his arms. "Then cover your damn balls and get over here! I don't have time for this. Kris is gonna be here any minute and I won't be able to greet him because you're too busy worrying about body parts I've seen before!"

Baekhyun grimaced. "But that was when—"

"Baekhyun. Now," Chanyeol ordered. "Listen."

Baekhyun slanted his lips before he groaned, giving up. "Fine. I'll just cup them," he muttered as he reached down to his area. Once he had everything covered, he stood there for a second before he started to walk back on shore.

Once the water was just below his waist, Baekhyun picked up his pace and came out of the water awkwardly hunching over a bit, running over to where his towel was—unfortunately, Chanyeol was also there. The moment he was near enough, Baekhyun uncupped himself and stooped down, bending to grab his towel even though he was fully aware that Chanyeol was watching him.

"Your ass jiggles. I hope you know that."

Baekhyun was in the midst of wrapping his body with his towel when he froze. "Yes. Thank y—"

"It bounces," Chanyeol continued. "You should do squats."

Holding his towel, Baekhyun stood up, clutching his shorts with his other hand. When he stood up, the towel ended right around his mid-thigh, allowing Chanyeol to see Baekhyun's legs for the most part.

"Squats," Baekhyun repeated. "Right, well, I guess I should start doing those again—come on, Nugget." Baekhyun began to walk back to the house and was trailed by Nugget. Chanyeol fell into step with him. "I used to have a firm butt, but that was accidental."

"How the fuck do you accidentally have a firm butt?" Chanyeol muttered.

"Through squats! But not exercise squats," Baekhyun informed. "I did squats in college, but a different type of squat—squats for other purposes, if your small mind understands where I'm going with this—Nugget, come on. Keep up—Yah! Chanyeol, walk."

Chanyeol didn't exactly realize that he stopped walking when he caught on to Baekhyun's very obvious—and sexual—drift. It gnawed at him and the thought of Baekhyun doing "squats" in college annoyed him. Who, what, when, where, and why. Those were details that Chanyeol knew he had no right even thinking about asking—or inquiring—but he couldn't get rid of it.

Forcing himself to move, Chanyeol started walking again. This time, he walked behind Baekhyun. Though there was barely any light out, he still saw the guy's nicely shaped legs outlined by the light against them from the house. In that moment, Chanyeol wished that Baekhyun's body was a little more muscular—just to a point where Chanyeol wouldn't find himself slightly attracted to Baekhyun's feminine features.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now