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It only took twenty minutes for everyone to settle down after they had set off from town. Kris, who sat in the very back with Sehun, slept the entire way. Chanyeol could only guess that he had traveled from the city all the way over in the early morning, putting sleep on the back burner. Sehun dozed off as well, planting his face against the window for other cars to see. Nugget had taken the opportunity presented before him and barked at Kyungsoo until the cook reached back and took the pup on his lap where Nugget fell asleep, too.

Kyungsoo was gone soon after Nugget and Kai was the last of the people in the back to fall under sleep's spell. Baekhyun hadn't shown any signs of being tired, which wasn't surprising to Chanyeol at all. All the way to the zoo, Baekhyun sputtered fact after fact every time a silence so small as a fraction of a second butted it ugly head.

"Did you know that a man died in the States after having sex with a horse?"

"Are you aware that a better type of solar panel's been created, but because it's too expensive, it's not used? It's actually better than flat panels, but like I said, it's too expensive."

"I once dated a girl in high school. I heard she's married now. Good for her."

"Did you know that when cows fart, it's actually bad for the environment? I think you should invent butt plugs, Yeol. Save the planet."

"New word! If you're a sapiosexual person then that means you're sexually attracted to the intelligence of others. Sometimes I wonder if I'm one of those, but then I look at you and I know I'm not."

"Wanna know a fun fact about tongues, Chanyeol? They're different for every person—kind of like finger prints, but more for the purpose of licking people."

For an hour Chanyeol listened, nodding at everything Baekhyun was going about. He only interrupted for commentary purposes, but for the most part, he just listened to Baekhyun's endless blabbing. And even as things got intimately personal, Chanyeol only gripped the wheel harder and allowed Baekhyun to finish his stories.

"Let's see, my first kiss happened during my first year in junior high. It was with someone older—oh, it happened in some corner."

"I think my first girlfriend was in high school? We didn't last long, really. It was literally a give and take relationship."

"Holding hands was something I really wanted to do most of the time, but it didn't feel right with anyone. They were just doing it to do it. I wanted my Nicholas Sparks moment."

"Uh, I lost my virginity in college, though. I forgot—It was at some party. He brought me back to his place. I thought he'd wake me up with breakfast, but he just wanted me to get dressed and go back home. It hurt, but I eventually got over it. Things got casual after that."

"You know when you wanna feel something, you do things that you think will initiate that feeling you're looking for? My answer was always sex. It didn't really work though, but I kept trying."

"The only thing I regret doing is agreeing to group activities—bedroom activities, I mean." It was this confession that almost made Chanyeol stop the car. "It was nice, yeah, but it wasn't really what I was looking for."

"Have I told you that romance novels have relationship that I want?"

"I didn't date much because rarely anybody asked me." Baekhyun let out a quiet laugh after saying that, making Chanyeol cringe. "I mean, I don't blame them. With a reputation like mine, I was lucky to have one or two friends."

"Once, I got invited to a date—a legit one, actually! But I got stood up at the last minute so I ended up just going to a gas station and sitting on one of those benches eating a cup of noodles."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now