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Chanyeol woke up alone.

He found it slightly odd considering how he usually woke up with Baekhyun clinging onto him while softly breathing against his chest. With the lacking presence beside him, Chanyeol lied in bed for a few minutes staring up at his ceiling.

In that moment, he lingered in his thoughts about the male he had unexpectedly grown affections for. Flipping over, Chanyeol pushed his face in Baekhyun's pillow. Not surprisingly, it had the scent of him. Closing his eyes, Chanyeol took another second for himself before slowly pushing up off the bed.

He wasn't over the fact that Baekhyun had gotten out of bed without him. It felt a little weird without going through their morning routine. It usually started with Baekhyun waking him up by playing around with his body, though not in a sexual way. Baekhyun would casually trace his jaw line some mornings. Other mornings he would take their hands together and compare them.

Afterwards, once Chanyeol was awake, Baekhyun would begin rambling on a topic, which would branch out to another topic that was completely irrelevant to the previous one, but Chanyeol would usually stick through it. Over time he had gotten used to their early morning talks. Neither of them would be conscious enough to have a serious conversation, but Chanyeol found the loose way that they communicated amusing.

As he sat on the bed, his eyes gradually fell down onto his hands. Specifically, they fell on his ring finger and immediately reminded him of his underlying relationship with the maid in his house. Groaning, Chanyeol ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

Baekhyun was currently the maid, lover, boyfriend, and fiancé of Park Chanyeol.

The more Chanyeol thought about it, the more it seemed like a clusterfuck of unnecessary adjectives. As he bulldozed over the facts, he began to contemplate about what he wanted to do. He had already done everything by the book. Although he had started their relationship in a slightly unorthodox way, Chanyeol gave himself credit for trying to give Baekhyun better treatment than what he had previously gotten in his past relationships.

In his efforts, he had tried to give Baekhyun what he wanted—within reason. Amongst Baekhyun's needs was affection, whether or not the idiot admitted it. Chanyeol could get the hint just by looking at Baekhyun's growing collection of adult romance.

Getting out of bed, Chanyeol heaved a sigh as he began to dress. When he looked at his appearance in the mirror, there was one thought inside his head that was blaring sirens.

Part of his brain wanted to tell Baekhyun about who he really was—Who they really were. Another side of him disagreed. It argued that it would be better if Baekhyun never found out. There was a picture in Chanyeol's mind—one that played a scene where Baekhyun found out and was pleasantly surprised at the "coincidence" of the entire situation.

But no matter how much he wanted to think that there'd be no consequence for keeping such a secret from Baekhyun, Chanyeol knew otherwise.

When Chanyeol entered the main living space, Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen. Curiosity itched at him as to where his fiancé's whereabouts were, but his attention was immediately pulled towards Kyungsoo, who called him over to the kitchen for breakfast.

Taking a seat next to Kris, Chanyeol mumbled out his thanks as Kyungsoo handed him a cup of coffee. While the cook and his assistant fumbled around in the kitchen trying to finish making everything, Chanyeol stared off at the glass window, watching the ocean from afar in silence.

Kris kept glancing his way. Often he alternated between sending looks from Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Kai, but for the most part his eyes were on the bickering duo in the kitchen. With tapping foot and fingers, Kris sighed and let out a thought from his preoccupied mind.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now