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Baekhyun didn't think about it until he absolutely needed to, but as he sat on the couch waiting for Luhan to return with their sandwiches from the kitchen, it came onto him how four days had passed and he had already given himself to someone other than Chanyeol. It didn't come as a bone crushing moment to him, but Baekhyun continued to watch the television, gently stroking Nugget who was keeping guard near his feet, watching P.B and Tabby as they played together.

Oddly, Baekhyun never necessarily felt any different. If anything, he felt like his old self-- the self that never thought twice about the lines between if or when it was okay to fuck someone. But despite after everything that had happened, he couldn't tear apart the nerve in his brain that flashed Chanyeol's voice, face, words, and body.

In the duration between when Luhan left him alone and when he returned to the living room, Baekhyun realized how weak he had become. All he could think about was the giant and it never soothed his seeping guilt about fornicating with someone other than him. But constantly, Baekhyun reminded himself of what Chanyeol had done and the fact that they themselves were done.

When Luhan came back with the food, Baekhyun snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at him as he received his plate. Together they ate silently, never mentioning the episode in the shower just an hour ago, but rather comfortably watched the television. Baekhyun stole glances in Luhan's way and remembered how it had always been that casual between them after every encounter.

And as he sat at an arm's length away from his ex-lover with such a casualness that was hard to shake off, Baekhyun looked down at his half eaten sandwich and closed his eyes. With no romance in the air or after-sex arguments, Baekhyun felt like he was taken back in time to when Chanyeol never happened and when he was still searching for something more intimate.



Time moved fast.

Once Baekhyun found himself wearing a suit and awaiting his first client in front of a grand hotel, he realized just how fast time really had moved. It was as if time was a rug pulled right out from under him and Baekhyun was consequently sent on a tumbling roll down a hill, hitting one monumental mark after another.

With Luhan beside him, Baekhyun heard him go over procedures, which were easy to Baekhyun. The entire goal of the gig was to please the client. Sexual favors meant Baekhyun had to charge extra. Actual intercourse could be set as high as Baekhyun wanted, however, if or when he felt comfortable.

As Baekhyun looked at the time on the extravagant watch Luhan had given to him, he saw that his client should have been arriving soon. While waiting, he made small talk with the ex beside him, but there were no more questions that Baekhyun had about the job of an escort and why Luhan was in such a profession before he decided to settle as a homely maid.

Back at the apartment, Luhan had explained his situation. As it turned out, Baekhyun's ex-lover used to work as a professional escort up until that point. But the more Baekhyun heard of Luhan's story, the more he felt a part of him die a little bit on the inside.

Luhan decided he no longer wanted to be anybody's second best. By quitting his lucrative, yet highly paid job, Luhan decided to pursue a basic job as someone's house maid in the hopes that one day he would find someone normal, a person far from the scene of escorts and all.

And while Baekhyun listened, he could do nothing more than to smile and nod at Luhan's self-revelation. Inside, he was overjoyed that Luhan decided to pursue a life that gave him a chance at finding someone, but at the same time, Baekhyun couldn't stop himself from feeling low of his own image, because as Luhan flew from the cage that kept him lonely and alone, Baekhyun took his place.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now