Final (2/2)

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Baekhyun worked himself for the remainder of the time that he waited for Minseok to call him, trying to get his mind off of Chanyeol even though the task wasn't a simple one. After he had impulsively sent the message days ago, he figured that Chanyeol must've highly suspected that he was the one behind it because since that day, Baekhyun would hear a small alert from the cellphone every once in a while.

It would always be a text message. On average, Baekhyun got one every day—if not every other day. The giant sent simple things like "I miss you, too" and "Make sure you're eating" to him, never mentioning the subject of Baekhyun's isolationism and bringing it to hand.

Although he could have, Baekhyun never left the messages go unread. Despite never responding, the messages never stopped and Baekhyun was well aware of how Chanyeol could see when he opened the texts due to their cellphones' features. He always read the messages around the same time just before he went out to meet his scheduled client for the night as if to remind himself that what he was doing was just a job. Sometimes, just before he leaves, he wonders if Chanyeol noticed that.



In the beginning, Chanyeol would constantly check his phone to see if Baekhyun opened any of the things he'd sent, but when he began to see the pattern of when Baekhyun decided to open his messages, he stopped guessing and checking. The brunet always did it around the time of when the sun was beginning to set, and Chanyeol wondered why Baekhyun would do that.

Sometimes a thought would pass by, suspecting that his little fiancé would check his messages right before going out with whomever, but Chanyeol found the feeling of jealousy to be unbearable, especially when he didn't even know for sure. In the end, he just did his best to mind his business and continue on with the words that he'd send to gently show that he cared.



It took a week and a half since their meeting together, but Baekhyun eventually received notice that Minseok had finished with his part of the work. Baekhyun felt utterly nervous for a reason that he couldn't point out. When he took a cab out to the company building, he was surprised to see Minseok was already outside waiting for him.

Without much greetings exchanged, Baekhyun took the papers from the lawyer. Briefly, Minseok explained what he needed to do, which was to retrieve the signature for both the marriage contract annulment and the revision to the conditions. Once he was sure that Baekhyun understood, he wished him luck and sent him on his way.



Maybe it was the cowardly thing to do, but it seemed like the easiest option at the moment. When Baekhyun entered the Park building, he made a beeline towards the front desk. He contemplated for a second, wondering what he was going to say, but when the young woman at the desk smiled at him and asked what she could do to help him, Baekhyun went with the choice that wasn't exactly the best.

"Hi!" he greeted, giving her a bright smile. "I'm here to see Kris."

The woman was thrown off guard for a second, blinking blankly at him. "Kris?"

"Um, yeah," Baekhyun nodded. Then he held a hand up high in the air. "He's tall and he works for Chanyeol."

It took another second before the woman caught on. "Oh! You're talking about Mr. Wufan."

"Yeah," Baekhyun replied slowly, "that guy."

Taking in Baekhyun's casual appearance with his cardigan and plain t-shirt underneath, the woman asked, "Do you have an appointment with him, sir?"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now