New Dynamics

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The next morning, Chanyeol woke up the usual way. Nugget trotted on his chest, licking him by the chin before Baekhyun swooped down to land a fleeting—and unsatisfying—peck on his cheek.

"Get up, Chanyeol," Baekhyun sang as he picked up Nugget. As Chanyeol groaned and rolled on his stomach, Baekhyun slanted his lips. "You know, Kris isn't up yet. Should I not care or should I go wake him up?"

"Fine..." Chanyeol grumbled into his pillow.

Baekhyun frowned. The answer wasn't coherent to the question he just asked so he figured that Chanyeol was still half-asleep, which was understandable. "Okay, then...I'll take that as a yes."


Shrugging, Baekhyun fixed Nugget in his arms and headed towards the door. "So, like, I'll wake him up the usual way. Right?"

"Mhm..." Chanyeol agreed with his face still deep on his bed. Baekhyun took no mind to Chanyeol's answers and exited the room, whispering to Nugget to stop wagging his tail so much.

Once Baekhyun was gone, Chanyeol went and tried to tease himself into falling back to sleep. But as time went on and despite the fact that he didn't want to wake yet, his mind was clearing all the grogginess out and began to function. It was then that Baekhyun's words started to make a return in his head, which kept replaying the entire conversation that he had with his maid. As everything began to sharpen in Chanyeol's mind, one word from Baekhyun's mouth stuck out to him: usual. Lifting his eyelids up a bit, Chanyeol felt himself smirking.

"Usual..." he muttered.

It was funny to him for some reason because of Baekhyun's definitions for some words. In their relationship, "usual" meant waking up to being kissed—Chanyeol's eyes immediately shot open and he scrambled out of bed.

In his mind, Baekhyun was an idiot. He was an idiot, who had absolutely no physical boundaries—except for the one where they couldn't fuck, of all things—and no heart to ever feel remorse over how his touchy touches and kisses affected other people. Adding onto that, Baekhyun liked to coin the term "casual" so right then, Chanyeol had the feeling that the idiot went to Kris' room to kiss the undeserving fellow awake like he was the ugly version of Sleeping Beauty.

Shooting out of bed, Chanyeol moved his naked way to grab a pair of boxers. Then he slipped on a plain white shirt before heading to Kris' room with disheveled hair and a disgruntled look on his face. When he reached the room, he saw that the door was open, but then felt a quick sense of relief when he saw Baekhyun come out of the room with Nugget in tow. As quickly as the relief came, it left and was soon replaced by his demanding curiosity.

"What'd you do?"

Baekhyun raised his brows. "I woke him up the usual way like you told me to," he replied back with a grin. Baekhyun passed Chanyeol and Nugget followed right behind him, nipping and trying to get Chanyeol's foot to play with him, but when Chanyeol didn't move, Nugget lost interest and kept following his dad.

"I like your hair," Baekhyun added as he walked on with his back towards Chanyeol. "It makes you look sexy."

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun until he turned the corner with three words in mind: Absolutely no boundaries.

Turning his attention to Kris, Chanyeol walked through his room and found his business partner sitting up in bed, wiping a hand across his face before looking at it. Chanyeol recognized what Kris was doing because he had done that the first few times he started waking up to being kissed by the unusual duo.

Trying to keep himself under control, Chanyeol barked, "What're you doing?"

Kris jolted at the sudden company that he wasn't aware that he had. "Nothing. I just...I just woke up," he mumbled as he continued to stare at hand. "That was weird..."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now