Family Matters

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In the final home stretch of the reconstruction project, Chanyeol found it easier to work alone in refining his ideas and final drafts without Kris' inputs at every corner at every decision made. He found that it was easier to work efficiently when the other male wasn't around to distract him with mindless talks that sometimes referred to Baekhyun sexually, which Chanyeol didn't appreciate nor want. Towards the end of his work, he finally made the decision to kick Kris out of the room, ordering him to go do something elsewhere.



Boredom didn't take long to set in. Nothing pleased Kris more than to gladly let Chanyeol do the rest of the work and get a day off, but as soon as he stepped into the kitchen, Kyungsoo, who was bickering angrily with his assistant cook, suddenly stopped, walked towards him, and thrusted a white sheet of paper onto his chest.

"You look like you're not busy," Kyungsoo reasoned when Kris reluctantly took a hold on the paper. "I need you to go make a run into town and do the groceries." Turning to look at Kai, who was glaring at him with an intensity that challenged the sun, Kyungsoo pursed his lips. "Kai can help you. That's what he's paid for to do."

Going over the list, Kris saw that Kyungsoo had written down every possible item known to man. In the back of his mind, he couldn't help but feel as though the cook wrote down anything that would stall whoever had the list. "Do you really need all these things?" he asked slowly, cautious of Kyungsoo's current mood.


"You're such a liar," Kai called from behind. Then he looked up at Kris. "He just wants to get rid of me."

With a frown stationary on his face, Kyungsoo whipped around toward Kris. "Just take him with you. Take as long as you need. I'll be right back. I'll go get the grocery money for you."

Without another word, Kyungsoo walked past the tall male and headed toward his room. When Kris could see that Kai meant to go after him, he felt the epic need to intervene, sidestepping the younger when he tried to follow like a lost puppy. For a second, the two of them shared a cold exchange of the eyes until Kris decided to break it off and sigh.

"What'd you do to him?" Kris asked, nodding in the direction Kyungsoo disappeared off to.

"I didn't do squat," Kai muttered. "He's just--frustrating. He's frustrating."

Kris shrugged, but nodded slightly in agreement. "Well, you probably did something to him. I don't know what, but I've been around his pretty ass long enough to know how he acts when so and so happens--"

"What?" Kai threw him a look. "His pretty what?"


Kai creased his brows at Kris. "How do you know it's pretty?"

Kris tilted his head. "I might've seen it."


"Well, why do you care?" Kris laughed as he moved away to go sit in the living room.

Before Kai could respond, the back door opened and the house's power duo burst in. Nugget, wet and dripping, decided it was a good idea to shake all the water off of him right in the open. Baekhyun followed the dog with his wet hair sticking to his face. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to either Kris or Kai, but when Baekhyun stuck his head in the house and quickly scouted the room, Kris raised his brows.

"What're you doing there, Baek?" Kris asked, looking at Baekhyun's dripping appearance and watching as the male cautiously stepped foot in the house.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now