Easy Parenting (mpreg)

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Not Intended au drabble: Easy Parenting

Warning; mpreg

Word: 1635

Summary: Baekhyun thinks everything would be easier if...

***This is purely dialogue.***

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What is it?

Haneul's almost out of diapers. I'm going to take him and the car.

Okay... Hold on. Let me finish this and I'll help you with buckling him in the back—

No, no. It's alright. I know how to do it.


Just one arm at a time, I know.

Do you know what to do with the seatbelt?

Yeah, yeah. You showed me—anyways, I'm gonna go. I need to stop by the grocery store, too. Soo needs some things.

Alright... Do you need money?

Do I ever need money?

If you didn't, I wouldn't be working anymore.

Don't mock me, you giant ass twat. You work for fun, which is gross.

Whatever. Come here.


Good-bye kiss.

You're so disgusting. Who needs a hug every time their fiancé leaves...

I do.


You taste sweet. Did you eat something sugary before you came in here?

A brownie, maybe.

A brownie.

Yeah—Are you going to let me go or—

Do you ever wonder?

Wonder what? I really have to—

If you're up for more kids.

OH—Uh, no. No more kids, please. Not now, ever—well, yet, but still, Yeol.

Why not?

The store's going to close and I'm going to turn 100 if you keep talking to me—and stop swinging me around.

Tell me why, idiot.

You're the idiot, you over grown—


I can't even take care of one, okay? Plus, I'm still working on exercising the fat off. You know, after you give birth, you face the guilt of eating as much as you did during your pregnancy, I tell you.

Baekhyun, you're doing fine—and you look fine to me.

Oh, how stereotypical of you to say. Any man would say that—in fact, they're all obligated to say that.

I didn't say it out of obligation, you little—

Whatever you say, sir. I'll just take the keys and make my way to the store. I'll see you in a bit—actually, no. I'll see you in a while because I think I'm going to stop by the bookstore also after I hit the grocery store.

Fine... Just letting you know that I'm up to pop more kids out with you.

Excuse you, sir, but I do all the popping around here!

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now