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Baekhyun was back to his inconsistent surprises, except now, he was either carrying Nugget or letting the dog follow him around the house as he did his duties. Ever since Nugget was taken back from the shelter, Chanyeol had been waking up to wet kisses from a dog, followed by a quick one by Baekhyun. Unlike the first time where Baekhyun had kissed Chanyeol's lips, Baekhyun would place his fleeting kisses on his cheek whereas Nugget had become used to trotting on Chanyeol's body and licking him by the chin.

After the morning kisses by the two misfits in his house, Chanyeol would watch Baekhyun laugh and pick Nugget off his body, setting him on the floor. Chanyeol would always be left in the same state every morning since those stupid thank you kisses started ensuing. He would always be left with his heart beating a little faster as he watched Baekhyun carefully handle the dog, cooing at it, and talking to it like it were a child.

Chanyeol wasn't sure if Baekhyun was left with the same odd feeling, but by the looks of it, the guy didn't seem like he was affected at all. It seemed as if kissing people was a casual thing. Frowning, Chanyeol figured that it must've been some stupid cultural habit Baekhyun picked up in a faraway land where it was perfectly acceptable to kiss people that one's not committed to on the mouth. Whatever that feeling churning inside Chanyeol's very being was, it was shoved away since they were feelings induced by Baekhyun, and Chanyeol had to keep reminding himself that Baekhyun was his maid, his fiancé, and secret pawn.

But it was hard.

After Baekhyun finished with his to-do list around the house, he took Nugget outside to play with him. When Chanyeol stepped out onto the deck to stretch his arms and get some fresh air, he spotted Baekhyun in the field of sparsely growing grass mixed with sand.

Having stretched out the knots in his body, Chanyeol leaned against the wooden railing of the high deck and watched Baekhyun from afar. From what he had gathered, Baekhyun was scolding the black mutt, but then he did something that was completely unexpected—though Chanyeol knew he shouldn't have been so surprised at all.

Baekhyun dropped to the ground and started rolling around. Chanyeol frowned at the sight knowing that Baekhyun was an idiot who didn't think ahead. He knew that the guy would end up with sand and grass all over him, which meant bad news for Chanyeol since Baekhyun would have to walk through the house in that condition.

Having done a few demonstrational rolls for Nugget, Baekhyun laid on his back, tired from his efforts. When Nugget barked at him, Baekhyun just laughed and rolled on his stomach to face the dog. "That's how you do it. Once you learn that, then I can teach you how to play dead when I hit you with my finger gun," Baekhyun explained, pointing a finger at Nugget and pretending to shoot him.

Then, as Baekhyun pretended to gun down a confused Nugget, a shadow casted over the both of them and it took a moment for Baekhyun to stop what he was doing and squint up, shading his eyes from the sun to see who it was.

"If you're pretending to kill the dog, does that mean you don't want him anymore?" Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun cracked laugh before laying on his back again. "I'm just playing with Nug, Chanyeol. Now," Baekhyun started, pointing his gun hand at the giant, "if I were to make-believe shoot you, that'd be something, wouldn't it?"

Chanyeol wasn't amused as he leaned forward, took Baekhyun's hand and forced his fingers to curl in. "Don't do that."

"Afraid I might shoot for your heart?" Baekhyun saw Chanyeol's face and smirked before chuckling. "Fix your face, Mr. Wonderful."

Chanyeol grunted and nudged Baekhyun hard on his side. "What the hell are you doing rolling around in sand?"

Baekhyun laughed at the touch of Chanyeol foot. "I was teaching Nugget how to roll over." Then, when Chanyeol didn't stop nudging him, Baekhyun grabbed him by his ankle long enough to take the slip on sandal off of Chanyeol's foot.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now