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Waking up, Chanyeol's mind was in full clarity. He knew exactly what happened, why he was feeling like the world was completely right, and who was lying beside him with their arm hanging off the bed. Drawing his eyes down, Chanyeol watched the heaving of Baekhyun's chest. Unable to help himself, Chanyeol gathered Baekhyun's body from the near edge of the bed, causing the smaller guy to stir and grumble.

Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun's eyes slowly cracked open. Droopily, they looked up at Chanyeol's face before shutting again. Mumbling curses, Baekhyun shook Chanyeol's arm away and buried his face into his pillow. "Asshole," he muttered into the thick material.

Raising his brows, Chanyeol scoffed. "Thanks. Good morning to you, too."

Baekhyun rolled over to face Chanyeol. "I'm not calling you an asshole," he groggily said, but in a sharp tone. "I'm saying my asshole hurts—Why the fuck are you so gifted? Why couldn't you be average..."

Snorting, Chanyeol pushed himself up the bed into a sitting position, looking down at Baekhyun's tired body. Ignoring the remark, he asked, "Do you hurt that badly?"

"I hurt so bad I don't think I'll be able to work today..."

"Are you trying to use the fact that we had sex to get out of doing what I'm paying you to do?" Chanyeol jokingly said, nudging Baekhyun's side with his knee. "Cause it won't work."

Baekhyun—not in the mood for jokes—curled his hand into a fist and hit Chanyeol hard on the naked thigh, causing the giant to jolt. "It hurts to move my lower half thanks to you! I don't need your jokes this early in the morning—And close the window! It's too cold!"

Not appreciating that he was just hit, Chanyeol backhanded Baekhyun's asscheek, making him wince into his pillow. "I keep telling you not to open your window, but you do it anyways," he sighed irritatedly. Reaching over, he pulled Baekhyun's covers over them some more before lying back down.

For a moment, Chanyeol dealt with Baekhyun's frowning face staring at him. Trying to make the best of the situation, Chanyeol smirked at him and moved his hand down on Baekhyun's side, eventually reaching his ass and kneading the place where he had retaliatedly hit him.

"You're not making things any better," Baekhyun muttered.

"I'm trying to, aren't I?" Chanyeol replied. Patting Baekhyun's butt twice, he grinned. "I'm trying to make you feel better."

Baekhyun gave him a skeptical look. "You're being weird." Using his own hand, Baekhyun took Chanyeol's off his body. "Why're you being nice?"

"Am I supposed to treat you like shit?" Chanyeol asked, dropping his grin.

"No, but you're just being unsually weird." Baekhyun quirked his lips. "You're acting like you just found out I'm carrying your child. Can you not?"

Chanyeol shrugged. "I just had sex after the longest time. I think I have the right to wake up a little happier."

"I guess..." Baekhyun mumbled. He was silent for a few seconds before he reached up and touched Chanyeol by the arm. "Can you give me time?"

Chanyeol blinked, completely thrown off guard. "What?"

"Time," Baekhyun repeated. "Obviously I'm going to need time before I can walk again. When that happens, I'll go—"

"Where the hell are you going?" Chanyeol demanded, catching Baekhyun's hand.

"Away?" Baekhyun replied, unsure of his own answer. "I don't know. That's why I'm asking you to give me some time. I need to figure out where I can go or what I'm gonna do..."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now