Climbing Insecurities

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"You know, I've had...other people before, right?"


"So, you know how you're not exactly my first."

"I know—"

"And that I'm—"

"Baekhyun, stop," Chanyeol ordered. Instantly, Baekhyun stopped swinging the hammock when he realized what he had been unconsciously doing. "Stop standing by the tree and swinging the damn hammock. Come here."

Sighing, Baekhyun shuffled his bare feet against the sand and moved his way to the hammock, climbing in. "As I was saying," he said, grunting as he settled in the space Chanyeol made for him, "I'm not a virgin."

"I think this is old news," Chanyeol said as he had Baekhyun use his arm as a head rest. "I know you're not."

Curling up his body, Baekhyun turned on his side so he could clearly see Chanyeol's face. "I've had a lot of guys...and girls..." he said quietly. "Upside down, sixty-nine, reverse, sideways, group—"

"Yes, I know you were quite the sexual vixen," Chanyeol sighed as he pulled Baekhyun closer and moved pieces of hair out of his face. "I'm pretty sure you've made it clear that I'm far from your first."

Baekhyun aired his cheeks and blew out the air in Chanyeol's direction. "You're like number—"

"I really don't want to know what my customer number is, Baek," Chanyeol carelessly said.

Blinking, Baekhyun suddenly sat up and turned to Chanyeol with a contorted face. "You're not a customer, Chanyeol," Baekhyun said in a voice that shook slightly. "You..." He paused and looked away. "I... Sometimes I feel bad, Chanyeol..."

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun's back as the male refused to look back at him. Taking the upper hand, Chanyeol reached up and pulled Baekhyun back down, laying him on his back and turned on his side to make sure that he would have the smaller male's full attention. "I shouldn't have said it that way," Chanyeol mumbled, running his thumb across Baekhyun's frowning lips.

"You shouldn't have said a few other things either..." Baekhyun croaked out, reaching up and holding Chanyeol's hand with his own.

As if struck by the quiet statement, Chanyeol's hand froze for a second before he continued to lightly brush it against Baekhyun's cheek. "What else have I said that you're upset about?"

With the words stuck in his throat, Baekhyun shook his head. "Nothing."

Giving Baekhyun a weary look, Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun's chin. "I sense a liar."

"I sense Kris wondering where you're—"

Pinching Baekhyun's lips shut, Chanyeol shook his head. "No. You're not going to sidetrack me."

With a mischievous spark in his eyes, Baekhyun grabbed onto Chanyeol's wrist and slowly licked the tip of his fingertips as he pulled the hand away. "I don't mean to sidetrack you."

"You're so full of bullshit..." Chanyeol muttered, trying to fight the sensation he was feeling from the small seductive gesture.

"You know what I was once full of?" Baekhyun said slowly in a low voice. Chanyeol expected a loving endearment, but instead, Baekhyun sat up again and rolled off the hammock, leaving the swing going back and forth with Chanyeol left alone in it. "Cock. Different sizes by different people. Size doesn't really matter—I've built the belief that it's how you use it—Anyways, sometimes it'll be one, but there've been times where it'd be tw—"

Having had enough of Baekhyun's frequent discourse from the subject at hand and finally infuriated by the reminder that his lover was once a promiscuous individual, Chanyeol got off the hammock as well and stood up, towering over Baekhyun's hesitating self. "What the hell are you trying to prove?"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now