Some Nights (RATED)

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Chanyeol was thrown off his game—as usual. Baekhyun continued to look up at him with those "I didn't do anything illegal" eyes, but Chanyeol was much too tired to comprehend anything at that moment. Frustrated and irritated, he took a step back and put some space between them.


Baekhyun shrugged and tilted his head. "It just kind of happened."

Exasperated, Chanyeol put a hand on his hips and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm. "I don't fucking get it," he groaned. "Where the hell did you go exactly?"

"I went to a club..." Baekhyun mumbled, trailing his voice at the end.

"I didn't hear you."

"Then maybe you should get a hearing aid—"

"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol warned. "If I find out about what you've been doing from someone else, you're only going to make things worse for yourself."

Baekhyun scoffed. "Are you gonna fire me?"

"I think it's a little too late for that," Chanyeol mumbled. Rubbing his forehead, he said, "Just tell me what you've been up to, dammit."

Baekhyun drew his eyes to the ground for a moment before sighing. He moved over to Chanyeol's bed and sat on it, crossing his legs. "I went to a strip club. It was pretty clean."

Chanyeol froze. He scrunched his brows and wondered for a second if he had heard Baekhyun right. "A strip club?" he repeated.

Nodding, Baekhyun confirmed. "I just wanted to see one."

With a grim look on his face, Chanyeol stalked over to the bed and stood in front of Baekhyun. "Did you pay for anything?" he asked, thinking that Baekhyun would understand what he was trying to imply.

The implication fell flat and Baekhyun interpreted wrong. Thinking if he had bought anything, Baekhyun remembered his soda. "Yeah. I used my own money, though."

Chanyeol was tangled in his own feelings. Hearing Baekhyun talk about buying service did something to him. It made him feel infuriated. "Was it good?" he growled.

Baekhyun—confused—gave an unsure nod and laugh. "I guess."

Letting out a sarcastic and bitter scoff, Chanyeol took a step back, shook his head, and paced his room. He left Baekhyun hanging for a few minutes before speaking again. "I was gone for not even five days, and you went off to a club and paid for their 'services', Baek!"

"But I didn't do anything wrong, though..." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Wha..." Chanyeol groaned into his hands. "Baek, you can't pay for sex—oral or not."

Baekhyun's jaw unhinged. "What!?"

"Yeah!" Chanyeol snapped. "It's fucking illegal—if you didn't know that!" Jabbing a finger onto Baekhyun's chest, Chanyeol scowled. "It's illegal out in the real world and you—you freaking idiot—can't be sexually active with other people once you make a commitment to one."

Huffing, Baekhyun moved Chanyeol's hand away. "I didn't pay for sex," he argued.

"Oh, did you just walk in there and ask for some?"

"No!" Baekhyun rolled his eyes and scratched his head. "You need to sleep, Yeol. You're too tired if you think I'd pay for something I can get for free," he muttered.

When Baekhyun tried to hop off the bed, Chanyeol shook his head and pushed him on his back. Setting a knee on the mattress, Chanyeol loomed over Baekhyun's unamused self. "Hn. You did do something..." he mumbled almost bitterly. "What was it? Did you deep throat someone or did you let them go all the way?"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now