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It took a week for Chanyeol to get himself together, but once the time to interrogate Baekhyun came around, he had gotten the nerve to actually go through with the barbaric plan to drunken the guy into submission.

The cool ocean breeze filled the house since many windows were open. Sehun finished with his job and was swinging in a hammock that he took from the house and tied to two, strong trees on the property. Kyungsoo was off in his room sleeping since the nice weather and breeze lulled him to sleep with ease.

The house was unbearably quiet. As Chanyeol walked along the hall, he could hear his own footsteps marching on the dark wooden floors. With every door passed, Chanyeol took his time making his way over to Baekhyun's room, which was oddly quiet, but Chanyeol figured that the atmosphere must've sedated Baekhyun's normal, outlandish self.

When Chanyeol reached Baekhyun's bedroom, he was about to knock, but then noticed that the door wasn't even closed. It was slightly open so Chanyeol decided to give it a minor push instead. As the door gave way, he saw Baekhyun lying on his bed.

There was a lot for Chanyeol to take in when he opened that door. Baekhyun had decided to go "Casual Friday" despite the day being a Wednesday. He had slipped out of the outfit that he wore that morning and had gone to full on "I don't care" mode.

Baekhyun was wearing boxers, which had the words "superstar!" written all over them. To Chanyeol, there was no doubt in his mind that Baekhyun thought of himself as a "superstar". Oddly enough, even though Baekhyun's bottom half was only covered by the mediocre boxers, Baekhyun was wearing a soft gray shirt accompanied by—of course—one of his cardigans.

If Chanyeol was judging Baekhyun's fashion taste, he'd give Baekhyun a failing score. He understood the need to be comfortable, but what was the point of being fashionably correct on top, but be so god damn wrong when it came to the bottom part? Chanyeol didn't understand.

It wasn't just Baekhyun's appearance at the moment that amused Chanyeol enough to raise his eyebrows at the weird guy. The fact that Baekhyun was just lying with his legs spread apart and his arms out open made Chanyeol mentally step back. The guy looked like he had given up on life. Not only was Baekhyun's position striking, but he also had a book right on his face.

Chanyeol shook his head. Byun Baekhyun was a genius with mechanics and was gifted with great memory. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was a lazy maid with questionable choices in clothes who couldn't even remember being told that the milk in the fridge was way past due and ended up drinking it by accident anyways.

Sighing, Chanyeol decided to knock on the wall. He didn't know if Baekhyun was sleeping or if he was just being weird again, but knocking was a modest way of finding out. Not soon after, Chanyeol heard Baekhyun groan.

"Please don't make me go clean anymore bathrooms," Baekhyun whined. "Go away instead."

Chanyeol grinned at the tired response as he walked over to the bed. Leaning down, Chanyeol swiped the book off of Baekhyun's face only to be greeted by two dark eyes looking straight at him.

"What're you doing?" Baekhyun mumbled.

Chanyeol was caught in Baekhyun's gaze and had to quickly snap himself out of it. "Getting this book out of your face—what is this, by the way?" Sensing an opportunity to break eye contact, Chanyeol took it. He looked over at the book title. "'Once a Princess'?" Chanyeol muttered.

With a bored look on his face, Baekhyun lifted a hand. "Can I have that back?"

Ignoring the request, Chanyeol kept staring at the book. "Is this a romance novel?"

"Does it concern you?"

Flipping the front cover was a mistake. On the second page was a photo of a man and a woman clinging erotically to each other in a swamp-like setting. Chanyeol pursed his lips before slowly closing the book. "This is...umm..."

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