Deals and Agreements (How We Break Them)

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Deals and Agreements (How We Break Them)

pairing: ChanBaek

genre: romance

wc: 9k+

Summary: What if Baekhyun never decided to take that leap on his window? What if he decided to push through with the engagement and marry the Park's heir? What if Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol met the way they were supposed to meet? Would they still fall in love?

seoulbeat14 and i presents a joint collaboration of an NI!au, in celebration of its original author's birthday!

AUTHORS: seoulbeat14 & amiyourprincess

(this is far from perfect. we are sorry.)

** This is not written by me. This was written by friends in 2014 (amiyourprincess is my beta lol). It was for my birthday at the time. I just noticed but all the long "What If's" we wrote about NI basically involved them not knowing each other haha. So now that you've read 'If We Never Met', I hope you enjoy this, too!**

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"Simple. We marry, we wait for the right time, and then we divorce."

Baekhyun stares at the man in front of him. Wasn't it just minutes ago that they were talking about their engagement, practically sealing it done, and now he's faced with another proposal?

Of course the idea of divorce had come to him. Marrying was not really one of his life choices at the moment, so when his parents dropped the news of his engagement to the heir of their company's rival he could only think of two options. It was either run from the marriage or break it some time after the marriage when both ends got their fill of the negotiation. Option one sounded a lot of effort, too much time to play hide and seek on his side when his parents could probably find him within minutes of his disappearance. The second option, he thinks, will just be like riding the waves in a very vast ocean. It would take time but sooner or later, the wave will take him to a shore that will be his freedom from the chains of this responsibility.

What he could not believe was how their rival's heir is a little slow with what's happening.

"Well Mr. Park, I would tell you that it's a brilliant plan. However," he leans on his elbows on top of the table without breaking their eye contact. "you seem to be forgetting that this is our parents we're talking about. What makes you think they haven't thought about us getting a divorce?"

"Because, unlike you Mr. Byun, I have been involved with forming the contract, not just sitting around waiting for this whole ordeal to be done with. The least you could do was to read the contract you're about to sign."

"One thing you need to know about me, if you're marrying me that is, I don't spend time on things that does not interest me. I threw my copy in the fire, my room needed more warmth that time."

Chanyeol didn't have the leisure to waste bantering with his soon-to-be fiancé. He wants this done tonight and not a second longer.

"Since you were so gracious as to burning the paper that holds a part of your future, let me just tell you then." Chanyeol gave no chance for the brunet to intervene and rallies on with a specific portion of their contract. "After marrying, the signing of the marriage contracts and the whole ceremony, our parents have no say, whatsoever, to how we spend our married life and thereafter. Their only concern will be the fortification of both companies and we are left to live our own lives. After they see that their companies are stable and stronger to compete with each other again, we can break the whole marriage off. Simple, like nothing has happened."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now