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The house itself had seven bedrooms, but as Baekhyun later found out, only four were occupied. He expected a handful of servants at the helm, but as he saw, the only people working at the house was the cook, the landscaper, Park Chanyeol, and himself.

Kyungsoo was the cook. He had beautiful eyes and a slender body with looks that could tug a man's heart out. Even Baekhyun had to admit that if Kyungsoo wasn't so motherly, he'd actually fall for him himself. Sehun was the landscaper, though "flower boy" would've been a better job title since all he practically did was snip the hedges and water plants.

As it turned out, the woman who did the interview did not live at the house itself. She, apparently, was Park Chanyeol's grandmother—a very protective one at that, Baekhyun thought. He almost felt embarrassed for his interview. Almost. Adding to the ongoing revelation of things, Baekhyun found out that Park Chanyeol was the only Park living in the house. So, really, Baekhyun was a personal maid rather than a family maid.

Three days passed before the three of them—Kyungsoo, Sehun, and Baekhyun—got busy cleaning and dusting the house extra well. Kyungsoo had gotten word that Park Chanyeol was making a return to his house, which Baekhyun thought was a bummer because he really liked casually getting to know the other two people. But then he shrugged, realizing that one day his newfound employer would have to come home someday from god knows where.

Of all the times to come home, the bastard decided to come home at one in the morning. Baekhyun, of course, was sleeping, and despite Sehun urging him to wake up to greet the guy, Baekhyun—already too comfortable with Sehun—slapped the hand away and told him to come back at some other time. Sehun tried his best to wake him up, but gave up when he knew that his efforts were futile.

When morning came, Baekhyun got up because he knew he had to. He opened his closet full of clothes bought with the last bit of cash he had on him back when he was taken out to shop with Kyungsoo. Not thinking too much of it since there wasn't a uniform, he put on a thin, white shirt under a gray cardigan and slipped on a pair of perfectly fit jeans. He went on to brush his teeth and even took his time brushing his hair. By the time Baekhyun looked at clock, it was already nine-thirty. He shrugged. At the moment, he didn't care if Mr. Park thought that waking up at this hour was unacceptable. Not my prob—Baekhyun stopped when he realized that it was his problem.

Baekhyun opened the door of his room, took a few steps across the hall, and burst into what he knew was Park Chanyeol's room. His eyes glazed over the room and eventually made their way to the bed where a sleeping figure was sleeping under the covers, face flat on the pillow, stomach facing down.  Baekhyun puffed his cheeks with air before exhaling, exhausted with his job already now that it actually started. He moved to the foot of the bed and placed his hands on it. Then, he began to shake the bed with everything he had.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" he loudly sang. He heard silence and shook harder. "Yah! Time to wake up and do things!" When Baekhyun heard a small groan, he smirked. "Wake up and smell the grass."

When Baekhyun resorted to whistling, his attendee finally had enough. Though muffled, Baekhyun could hear Park Chanyeol's angry, deep voice. "I get it! Fuck!"

Smirking, Baekhyun took his hands off the bed and leaned back. "Then let's get going! Kyungsoo made some bitchin' breakfast in the kitchen, which—might I say—looked amazing—"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now