Dialogues: I Love You

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"I love you."

"I know you do."

"I love you lots."

"I know."




"Baek, come back here—"

"Nugget needs to go pee."

"He's not even in this room. Now come here and stop making that face."

"I don't wanna be in this room anymore. It's stuffy."

"You were just hugging me from behind a second ago. You obviously had no issue with the room temperature."


"Come here—"




"Why the sudden attitude?"

"I'm mad..."

"Mad? Mad at what?"

"....Never mind!"

"Wait, Baek! Don't just walk out without telling me what you want to say!"

"Quit following me, giant!"

"I'll follow you if I want—No, no, no, no! Don't you dare close that door—"

"Argh! Stop it! I'm gonna break your arm if you don't stop pushing!"

"Let me in—"


"Why you little—"

"This is my room!"

"This is my house!"

"Then I'll move out!"

"Move out my ass! Baekhyun, stop!"


"Don't you dare shut me out, Baekhyun. Now tell me what's going on."


Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now