The Chase

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Baekhyun's room was off limits. Chanyeol made sure of that. Even though Kyungsoo offered to move out his belongings, Chanyeol adamantly turned him away and took it upon himself to clean the room alone. Unlike what Kyungsoo had in mind, Chanyeol never bothered to throw anything out of the room except for the pieces of paper that Baekhyun had scribbled on, yet never bothered to properly throw away in the trash bin as Chanyeol always told him to do.

The bed was cleaned and Chanyeol even took the time to reorganize Baekhyun's abandoned collection of stories that had toppled over each other. After the floor was cleaned and the room appeared as though the owner of it all had only gone away for a short while, Chanyeol closed the door behind him.

A week had gone by since Baekhyun decided to abruptly leave and Chanyeol had finally grown of sitting around giving the small brunet "space" when Chanyeol knew that what the idiot really needed was to be hugged into submission and dated the fuck out of.

Kris had already left back for the city and there wasn't much around the house anymore to keep him occupied. Before, Chanyeol looked forward to the day when Kris would finally leave because it would have given him and Baekhyun more opportunities to have some time alone. However, with Baekhyun gone, Chanyeol found his schedule completely free.

The silence in the house was unbearable some days. There were instances where Chanyeol expected to hear Nugget's squeaky bark and Baekhyun's cackling laugh following soon after, but as the silence dragged on with the faint sound of the ocean in the background, Chanyeol would yet again be reminded that Baekhyun's presence was no longer in vicinity.

Sometimes during his lazy mornings that seemed to go on forever, Chanyeol would turn on his cellular device and slowly eat his breakfast while gazing and sliding through the only photos of Baekhyun that he had. There were photos dating back to their time at the zoo and even photos that Baekhyun never knew Chanyeol even took of him in bed.

Inside Chanyeol's being is a feeling that was churning about, yelling at him to get up and brashly rush to the city and take Baekhyun back again, but in his head was Kyungsoo's stern and logical argument of giving the other much needed space. Not a day passed when Chanyeol wasn't thinking about the brunet that literally slipped passed his arms. Questions about what the male was doing never failed to surface, but there wasn't much Chanyeol could do but wonder.

One day after he finished eating and was once again doing nothing but going over old photos, it finally hit him on the head that he was done waiting around for Baekhyun to sort things out. The more he thought about it, the more Chanyeol became convinced that the amount of time he was wasting was actually further distancing them apart.

Getting up off the couch where he was lazily sitting, he quickly marched his way to his office to make a phone call to his future in-laws.



Two weeks into the job and the demand for Baekhyun was already high. Suho only allowed for him to take on the more important clients, but once in a while, Baekhyun would take out someone for the extra pay on his own time in broad daylight.

Mr. Kim called on him three times within that time period and Baekhyun found the older man's presence to be comforting. To Baekhyun, he gave the feeling of an older brother. The only time they met after the first night was for a few drinks at high end bars.

During his time as an escort, Baekhyun only extended the sexual favors concerning the action of dirty talking to his clients if they wanted. Luhan had told him to do whatever made him comfortable, but Baekhyun thought that their quick fuck together in the shower was enough to keep him celibate.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now