Lemon Dialogues

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NI: Lemon Dialogues (2015)

Summary: Baekhyun picks an argument (as always). 

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"What about him?"

"I think that he needs a bigger dog house."

"No, Baek, he just needs to lose some weight."

"He's a pup, giant."

"And you're an overbearing dad."


"Do you need anything else?"

"Can I take the car?"


"To buy him the house."


"I'm going to buy it with my own money!"

"You're not going to buy anything."


"Stop giving me that look."

"What look?"

"That look, Baekhyun."


"Where're you going?"

"I'm going to go call a ride."

"Are you seriously going to call a taxi just to drive you ten miles into town?"

"...You're right. That's a stupid idea. I'll walk."


"You know, Yeol, Nugget's gonna need some place to stay."

"He can stay in his dog house."

"I was thinking that maybe he could stay in our room—"


"But it'll solve the problem."

"I said no, Baekhyun—"

"We can be a family!"

"Baek, do you want your son to see you ride me at night?"


"Do you want him to hear you moan out my name? Or to taint his puny little eyes by seeing you spread out on the bed or against the wall—"

"Well, he's just a dog, so technically he won't understand what we're doing—"

"Oh my god."

"What're you doing?"

"Come here."

"You're going to hurt me."

"No. Now come here."


"Do you have it?"

"Have what?"

"The card I gave you."


"The credit card."

"Oh! Yeah, I have it under my bed. Why?"

"Go get it. I'll meet you in the living room. I have to change."

"Oh...Are we going into town then?"

"Wipe that smile off your face. You're spoiled as fuck."

"Ah, but whose fault is that? Yours, my handsome lover."

"Can you stop with that voice?"

"Do you not like it?"

"I like it in bed. However, I don't like you using that tone."

"What tone, love?"

"That tone."

"My I-Love-You tone?"

"If that's what you call that."

"Fine. I'm going to go get it."




"I can see your nipples, Yeol."

"Yeah, Baek. That's kind of what happens when you stand there and watch me take my shirt off."

"I have the sudden urge to flick them with my tongue."


"And I wanna dry hump your leg and grind against it."



"Oh, Nugget. Come here. Let's go to daddy's room. Tall man's changing. Don't look. That's dad's man, okay. We'll get you your own lover friend later when you're older."

"Bark bark..."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry. I'll get you a pretty girlfriend—Yah, no. Don't lick dad right now—Oh, say bye bye to daddy Yeol."


"Buh-bye daddy number two. Good job, Nugget."


"Hurry up and change before I throw Nugget out the door, lock it, and pounce on you, daddy Yeol."

"Why can't you just do away with the dog right now and we can have a quickie?"

"That's enticing."

"Then put the dog outside."



"Sorry, Nugget. Go back to flower boy. Dad has to take a size eight delivery. I love you, baby. Now waddle away. Waddle carefully."

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