If We Never Met

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If We Never Met

Length: 4k (drabble/oneshot)

Rating: PG

Synopsis: Chanyeol wakes up in a world with no color or sound.

NOTE: This is a Not Intended drabble lmao. Sorry. Not an original work. Very quick, not long. Poop. Uh I wrote in present tense when I don't usually do so... yeah. Might be bad.

SECOND NOTE: Just remember. Nugget probably died.

*** I have decided that instead of posting the Not Intended drabbles on a separate Wattpad story, I'll just post them here. The timeline for most of these drabbles (unless stated otherwise) takes place AFTER Not Intended but before they move out of their home and into a new home in NI: Life and Marriage. Hope you all enjoy these. I'll be re-uploading the Not Intended stories here. I don't know about the mpreg!au series yet, but we'll see!***

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Everything you do drives me crazy, Baek!

Then what do you want?

What do I want? I don't even fucking know anymore. You wanna know what I don't want? I don't wanna fight anymore.


Yeah... I wish I never met you.

You wish you never met me...

You're insufferable, childish... God, I'd give anything just to get rid of all of this.

Yeah? Anything?

Yeah. Anything.



Chanyeol wakes up the next morning in an unfamiliar room. His head hurts like a bitch and there's an aching at the back of his neck. Groaning, he sits up on the bed and rubs his neck. He slowly looks around the room and curses to himself.

He must've left the house, gone out to a bar, and got drunk. The place looked too good to be a hotel room. Chanyeol knew himself well enough to know that he wouldn't spend an extravagant amount of money on a hotel for a one night stand.

It's not until he sets his feet on the floor that he realizes that he's dressed in satin pajamas. Not that wearing satin was uncommon, but Chanyeol's almost one hundred percent confused. Why would he bring one of his satin pajamas to a bar... for a one night stand... with some stranger who wasn't his boyfriend.

Then again, how's he even sure that he had a one night stand? No matter how many times Chanyeol looks around, he doesn't see any condom packs or lube or underwear belonging to another person. There was nothing in that hotel room (really, really fancy hotel room?).

Suddenly, knocks are pounding on the dark wooden doors. Chanyeol doesn't know what to think. What kind of room service knocks on the door of hotel guests at--Chanyeol glances at the clock--eight in the morning.

Begrudgingly, he gets up and trudges to the door using the comfy slippers that were by the bed. Without looking through the peephole, Chanyeol opens the doors and is immediately met with a team of people barging in with racks of clothing and hair supplies.

Most of the younger females bow to him. The head of the team merely utters a good morning before looking at him in disappointment.

"Mr. Park. Please don't tell me you just woke up."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now