Make Believe & Cases

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Waking up, Chanyeol found himself lying with another body next to him. Though groggy minded, he found that he didn't need to think much about who it was or what had happened the night before. He felt right and felt like the whole world had become balanced in some odd way, so to him, there was no doubt that it was Baekhyun who was beside him with their legs tangled and with Baekhyun's arm flung over his chest.

For a moment, Chanyeol thought that he could lie for a moment and perhaps fall back to sleep, but when his eyes glanced over at the time, he was surprised to see that it was already past noon—though at the same time, their early morning activities were obviously the cause of it all.

Shifting his body, Chanyeol carefully rolled Baekhyun on his back so he could slowly pull away. Once he set his feet on the floor, Chanyeol made his tired way over to his bathroom, but not before another look at the sleeping, butt-naked male in his bed.

When Chanyeol came out of the shower, he opened the door to see that Baekhyun had kicked the blankets off the bed and was sitting with his legs crossed as he rubbed his eyes. Chanyeol watched him as he groaned and ruffled his messy bed hair.

"Morning..." Baekhyun mumbled as he looked up at Chanyeol with tired eyes.

"Morning," Chanyeol threw back. Moving over to his dresser, he turned his back towards Baekhyun for a moment. "It's already past noon so you might wanna get up."

Tiredly, Baekhyun nodded. "Okay..." he said. Then he sluggishly rolled out of bed and stumbled as he tried to gain his balance on his feet.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked as he watched Baekhyun's minor struggle to stay up right.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Baekhyun mumbled, waving a hand at Chanyeol. "I'm gonna go take a shower. I feel gross."

Chanyeol pulled out a shirt from his dresser and set it on his bed. Crouching down, he picked up the thin bed covers and strode over to Baekhyun, throwing it over him. "Don't strut around the house naked."

Baekhyun let out a soft scoff. "I don't strut and I'm only walking across the hallway."

"Still." Swooping down, Chanyeol stole a quick kiss, making Baekhyun scrunch his face. "I'll see you in the kitchen." Giving Baekhyun a quick hit on the ass, Chanyeol smirked. "Go."

Baekhyun gave him a look before turning around and trudging his way to the door. Then he stopped and turned his head back. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask. When am I getting my money?"

Chanyeol blinked. "What money? For what?" he asked. "Money for sleeping with me?"

Taken aback, Baekhyun shook his head. "No. For cleaning your house—I'm still your maid."

Breathing slightly better, Chanyeol thinned his lips. "We're gonna have to change that pretty soon," he mumbled under his breath.


"Why do you want to know?" Chanyeol said, quickly changing the subject. "Do you need it for something?"

"I need to buy some new releases," Baekhyun replied excitedly.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun for a moment before sighing and rolling his eyes. Waving him off, Chanyeol cocked his head. "You can get it today." When Baekhyun opened his mouth to reply, Chanyeol cut him off. "We'll talk about this later. Go shower first. Then go to the kitchen. I wanna propose something to you."

"Really?" Baekhyun said with bright eyes. "I have something to propose to you, too! I need to get my list—hold on. Yeah. Let's talk later."

As Baekhyun left—almost tripping on the large cover that Chanyeol had thrown over him—Chanyeol was left wondering what it was that Baekhyun was going to propose. In the back of his mind, he already knew that it was going to be stupid beyond belief.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now