Blast from the past

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When Chanyeol woke up to an empty and cold bed, there was no doubt in his mind that Baekhyun had left. And when the dog was nowhere to be seen or heard from at all in his search, it confirmed Chanyeol's hunch that the duo was long gone.

There were multiple reasons as to why Chanyeol was angry as hell. The main reason was the fact that Baekhyun had avoided the entire issue by leaving in the middle of the night after having the audacity to selfishly accept his body.

Kyungsoo kept out of his employer's way, casually and calmly telling him to settle down as he cooked. Out of everyone else in the house, Kyungsoo was the only one who was unfazed by Chanyeol's yelling and cursing. Having worked for him for so long, Kyungsoo had already seen it all.

When Chanyeol failed to make an appearance during breakfast, Kyungsoo took it upon himself to go in search of his emotionally unbalanced boss. After searching the office and Baekhyun's old bedroom, which was left untouched unlike everything else in the house, Kyungsoo sighed as he stepped inside Chanyeol's master bedroom and followed the sound of running water.

The moment that he stepped inside, Chanyeol came out of the shower completely bare. Out of respect and discomfort, Kyungsoo looked up and kept his eyes on the ceiling.

"Everyone's eating," Kyungsoo said nonchalantly as if it was completely normal for one to stand in front of their naked boss.

"I'm going to need you to pack me something to eat," Chanyeol replied as he grabbed a towel, quickly trying to dry his hair.

As Kyungsoo's eyes wandered the ceiling, he asked, "Are you going somewhere in particular?"

"Baekhyun probably went back home," Chanyeol muttered, taking a dry towel and wrapping it around his waist. "He'll be at his parents' house so I'll find him there."

Creasing his brows, Kyungsoo paused for a moment before he finally leveled his head and looked Chanyeol in the eyes. "Maybe you shouldn't," he simply said with a voice that meant no harm. "Maybe you should give him time--some space, you know."

"Kyungsoo, I can't--"

"He's not going to listen to you," Kyungsoo suddenly said in a much sharper tone. "He left in a the middle of the night, Chanyeol. And he ran away from home because he didn't want to get married. There's a fat chance that if you go after him now, he'll just run away again."

Chanyeol stopped what he was doing and gave Kyungsoo a baffled look. At first, he seemed as if he wanted to oppose, but as seconds passed, Chanyeol's reaction settled down until he was eventually slanting his shoulders, showing signs of defeat.

"Then what should I do?" he quietly asked.

"Don't go after him," Kyungsoo responded calmly. "Give him time. When he's ready, then you can try again. For now, leave Byun Baekhyun alone."



Sometimes Baekhyun wondered if romance novels ever corrupted his mind from what realistic love should be like. Maybe his knight wasn't as obvious as the characters in the stories that he read. Often times, all he had to do was look on the cover and instinctively know who the female heroine was going to bicker and fall in love with.

As Baekhyun sat on the curb of a semi-busy street, he sighed, pulling his knees in towards him and hugging them.

If love was possible in the books, Baekhyun was sure that it'd all be possible in real life. He knew that some aspects in romance novels were absolutely ridiculous, but the general basis that love was never impossible was something Baekhyun believed in.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now