Rain and Radios

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The skies were cloudy and the wind blew as a medium-flow of rain came pouring down. Even though the ideal weather for beach living was supposed to be sunny and hot twenty-four hours a day all week, Baekhyun liked the view of the gray ocean crashing onto shore.

Kyungsoo was chopping up vegetables for the stew that night—something perfect for weather like the one they were having—while Chanyeol was keeping him occupied with a conversation. Sehun had brought up an old radio from the basement and was tinkering with it and trying to get it to work.

When Baekhyun finished with his shower, he left his room with a loose fitting shirt and pajama pants, though it was nowhere near sleeping time. Baekhyun just liked comfortable and pajama pants were comfortable...Just like cardigans.

"Good evening," Baekhyun greeted as he came out of the hallway, ruffling his damp hair.

"Hi, Baek," Kyungsoo said warmly. "Dinner will be ready in a while."

"Alright," Baekhyun said. As he passed the dining table where Chanyeol was sitting and judging him, Baekhyun cocked his head. "What's your issue now, Chanyeol?"

"Baek. Your wardrobe choices," Chanyeol replied, motioning to Baekhyun's bottoms.

"It's nice," Baekhyun argued, stopping in his tracks to flap his loose pajama pants. "Anyways, fun conversation, but I'm gonna go in the living room."

Deciding not to argue since Chanyeol knew he couldn't change Baekhyun's nonchalant attitude, he nodded. "Fine. Turn on the television, too."

"What channel?"

"Any news broadcasting channel's fine."

"Boring choice, Chanyeol," Baekhyun commented as he walked away.

"It's informative and educational," Chanyeol threw back.

"Don't talk to me about education, you college-depriving giant," Baekhyun muttered under his breath. He hadn't intended for Chanyeol to hear, but when Chanyeol responded, Baekhyun figured that it was because of those large ears that he had heard.

"What did you say, Baek?"

Baekhyun turned around for a second to give Chanyeol a shrug. "You must be hearing things."

Before Chanyeol could refute, Baekhyun turned his back on an irked Chanyeol and an amused Kyungsoo. Sitting down on the couch, Baekhyun scooted next to Sehun and watched as the guy was trying to piece together the last bit of the mechanical puzzle on the old radio.

"So you're a tinkerer?" Baekhyun asked.

"Uh, yeah..." Sehun shyly replied. "I'm kind of good with fixing things, too."

From the back of them, Baekhyun could hear Chanyeol add to the conversation that didn't involve him. "He's pretty handy around here. He even helps me with my work sometimes."

"Thanks for the info," Baekhyun dismissively said before turning his attention back to Sehun. "What kind of work exactly?"

"Building working models of robot prototypes and things like that," Sehun replied.

Baekhyun sighed. "Sehun, if you have a knack for things like this, you shouldn't be watering plants for Chanyeol."

"Actually, he mentors me when I'm done working so it's really a give and take thing," Sehun said.

After a second, Sehun seemed to be satisfied. He turned his head back at the dining table. "I think I got it!"

Getting up from his seat, Chanyeol smirked as he made his way over to the couch. He leaned over, casting his shadow over both Sehun and Baekhyun. Baekhyun threw his head back and looked up.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now