Off Limits

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 Chanyeol played it cool when Baekhyun told him to stop fantasizing about his legs wrapped around his waist. He nodded and curtly said "okay" before taking a step back and left the room. On his way back to the work room, he frowned deeply at the photo on Kris' phone before ultimately deleting it from the device for reasons of his own.

When he rejoined Kris, he tossed the phone back. Kris caught it with both hands. "What happened?"

"It's him. He was cross-dressing." Chanyeol plopped back down on his chair and rolled on over to his desk, totally done with the subject considering what just happened in Baekhyun's room.

Kris opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind when he looked down on his phone. "Where's the photo?"

"Deleted it."

Kris gave him a look. "You deleted it!?"

Chanyeol frowned at him. "I got the information and now we don't need that useless photo anymore."


"And I won't have my fiancé to be the reference photo for your jack offs," Chanyeol muttered.

"And suddenly you're acknowledging him as your fiancé..."



After the awkward ordeal with his old high school photos resurfacing from god knows where, Baekhyun got up from his bed to join the others in the main living space. Nugget stirred and attempted to follow, but no matter how many times Baekhyun tried to tell him to stay, he wouldn't so Baekhyun ended up carrying Nugget like sleeping baby with him.

In the kitchen, Kyungsoo looked up after wiping dry a few wet bottles of water. "Ah, Baekhyun. Good. You're here."

"I was gonna sit down and watch TV with Kai and Sehun," Baekhyun said, attempting to squirm his way out of being ordered to do something.

It didn't work. "Can you take these bottles to Chanyeol? They're for Kris. Both of them are in the work room."

Baekhyun glanced at the five bottles of water. "That's a lot for one person, don't you think, Kyung?" he asked as he lightly bounced Nugget to sleep like a baby.

"I don't care. He can put the rest in his room."

Baekhyun raised a brow. "Do you...not like Kris?"

"It's not that I don't like him," Kyungsoo muttered. "He's just too open."

Baekhyun smirked. "But I'm open, too."

"You don't try to sleep with anyone and everything, Baekhyun," Kyungsoo said, adamantly. Before Baekhyun could say anything else, Kyungsoo waved him off. "Nothing more. I'll handle Nugget. Just get the bottles to him."

Baekhyun shrugged and transferred Nugget over to Kyungsoo, stirring the dog. Kyungsoo took over mothering Nugget and Nugget soon found comfort in the other's arms. Baekhyun then grabbed all the bottles, holding them with his arms pressing the bottles to his body. He made sure that nothing would slip and fall before taking the bottles to Kris' royal highness.

With his hands and arms full, Baekhyun was left with no choice, but to kick at the door. He could have done it more gently, but he was used to not being considerate of these things. When the door opened, he expected to see Chanyeol, but was surprised to see Kris pop his head out before throwing the door slightly more open.

"Well, hi there."

Baekhyun opened his mouth to greet him back, but he remembered Chanyeol's request and decided to follow up on it to please the giant for once—it was all because he was thankful for Nugget he reminded himself. Instead of replying, Baekhyun pursed his lips and nodded, lifting him arms up, indicating at the bottles.

"Oh, the water. I didn't ask for this much," Kris said, sounding as if he was scolding Baekhyun. "It's okay, though. I'll take them." Baekhyun nodded again, indicating for Kris to take the bottles. Before Kris could do anything, Chanyeol came up from behind him and pulled the door completely open.

"Kyungsoo, could you get Bae—"

When Baekhyun saw Chanyeol's eyes on him, he let out a big smile. Then he said, "I didn't break your rule," when Chanyeol's eyes darted to Kris.

Chanyeol wordlessly shook his head. "Fine. We're done here, anyways. I need you to show Kris to his room. He'll be here for a week."

Baekhyun looked at Kris, who was smirking at him until he decided to give that smirk in Chanyeol's direction. Baekhyun didn't understand why Kris did that, but he didn't like it considering the information that Kyungsoo exchanged with him. Then, Baekhyun tried to shake it off. What right did he have judging someone on the sexual prowl when he had been there done that?

Nodding, Baekhyun hesitantly turned his back and led the way to Kris' room. As he was walking, Kris stayed behind for a moment. He leaned over to Chanyeol. "Do you think he still has the same legs?"

Chanyeol locked his jaw. "Don't get any ideas."

"But he's just a maid at the moment," Kris mumbled. "Not Byun Baekhyun or your fiancé, so technically he's fair game."

Just as Kris was about to follow Baekhyun's trail, Chanyeol grabbed him by the back of his jacket, holding him still long enough to deliver his message. "You're here one week for business purposes, not pleasure. You won't lay a hand on him for the time that you're here. Fiance, maid, Byun Baekhyun, or just the plain idiotic side of him, everything is off limits, Kris." Chanyeol looked Kris straight in the eye. "If you weren't so damn good at your job..."

Chanyeol didn't need to finish the sentence for Kris to know how it would've ended. "I get it, Chanyeol," Kris chuckled before pulling from Chanyeol's hold. "Now if you don't mind, I have to follow Baekhyun to my bedroom."

After Kris had left, Chanyeol resisted the urge to follow him to make sure he didn't do anything funny. He would've lasted longer in his resistance if he didn't remember Baekhyun's casual ways. What if Kris tried something and Baekhyun dismissed it as something "casual"? Hell, the guy kissed him every morning like it was nothing to worry about.

Five minutes into his resistance, Chanyeol broke, groaning at himself for being weak, though he wasn't sure who was weaker at the moment; him or Baekhyun, the guy who accidentally got a firm butt from doing too many "squats".

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now