Emotionally Attached

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To be set on top of a vibrating washing machine and be made love to vigorously was something that never crossed Baekhyun's mind as to ever happening. But it did happen and it was loud. There wasn't much he could do but cling onto Chanyeol's hot body and whimper, sometimes trying to remind him about how loud they were only to be pounded back into screaming.

Chanyeol's hands were on his waist, keeping him still against the machine as he continued to furiously bury himself inside the smaller male. And every time Baekhyun tried to bring back reason to the volume of their sex act, he'd grumble, "Shut up," before attacking his neck.

It was no secret within that house what they were doing, but Baekhyun didn't let it faze him too much. He still interacted with everyone, but Sehun was the one who was the most distant at first. After tackling the younger boy and cornering him into a conversation or two here and there, Sehun began to lighten up. Even though Baekhyun was able to keep everyone's relationship as normal as possible with his casual self, every time the others heard a sound out of the ordinary, they knew what was happening.

In a way, Kai, Kyungsoo, and Sehun had grown accustomed to living on a live porn set. Even when they knew Chanyeol was yet again ravaging his fiancé—or "secret" fiancé— the others found ways to cope with it. If the three of them were present and the other two were gone, they would either go outside or turn the volume of the television louder in order to drown out the couple's noise. Sometimes, it was unbearable. Hearing Baekhyun crying and screaming throughout the house would force Kyungsoo to take Kai and Sehun outside to get their minds off of things before any of them sprung anything.

Nugget, despite wanting to run to dad's aid, would be picked up by Sehun on the way out. He would struggle against the nineteen year old, but then one whiff of a biscuit treat would take his mind off his dad. Food before fathers was Nugget's code.

Kyungsoo kept everything together as much as Baekhyun tried to. He knew Chanyeol for the longest time, but he was still unable to comprehend why Chanyeol had taken an excessive amount of Baekhyun's time for himself. Around the house, Chanyeol didn't seem to cover up the fact that whenever Baekhyun moved, his eyes would watch him. As Kyungsoo saw, it wasn't even with eyes that wanted only sex. When he realized what it was, Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and went on to do whatever it was that he was doing.

The idiot had started to take a liking to the very person who he promised to dispose of.

The last straw of Baekhyun and Chanyeol's sex-around-the-house tour happened when Chanyeol's accidently dropped Baekhyun. It was too late at the time to realize, but Chanyeol's hand—hot and wet through perspiration—lost its grip on Baekhyun's ass. Without anything else supporting him—due to the fact that Chanyeol was beyond confident they could do it without the help of any surface—Baekhyun fell backwards, hitting his head on the floor. And as he fell, he accidentally took hold of one of the cords to a nearby lamp, knocking it down. Its cord, though, was caught on the end of the table it was on, resulting in the table being tilted enough for one of Chanyeol's printers to slide off and smash against the wall, creating a fist size hole in it.

When Kyungsoo heard the crash, then later saw the sight, he decided that Baekhyun needed a break from Chanyeol's sexual abuse. Disregarding the fact that both of the idiots were naked, Kyungsoo stepped inside the room and pushed Chanyeol away from Baekhyun as he knelt down. Putting one of Baekhyun's arms around him, Kyungsoo helped him up, refusing to let Chanyeol touch him.

"No. You get dressed. You're driving him to the town's doctor," he said sternly as he took a scramble-minded Baekhyun away. As Kyungsoo slowly took Baekhyun out of the room, Chanyeol heard his cook mutter about the hole in the wall.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now