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Chanyeol hated a lot of things. He hated the current situation and he hated the circumstances. In his work room, he tried to focus on the mathematical calculations in front of him, but he couldn't because even with the door shut, Baekhyun's obnoxious laugh was easily audible.

The guy—as Chanyeol had noticed—seemed a lot more happier than he used to be, which was something that Chanyeol didn't like. Ever since Kai managed to black mail his way into staying at the house under the job description of "chef's assistant", Baekhyun became a little more hyper active now that one of his kind was in the house also.

Chanyeol didn't miss a thing. In the two days that had passed, Baekhyun seemed a little less resistant to orders—something that Chanyeol liked—but in exchange for that, Baekhyun's mouth was always open, talking about this, that, weather, climate, world issues, and other things that Chanyeol wasn't necessarily interested in because it was Baekhyun initiating the topics.

The dynamics of the house were fairly the same, except now, Chanyeol felt like the abused dad and—to him— Kyungsoo was the calm mom, who everyone respected. Sehun, Kai, and Baekhyun had become their kids, but Baekhyun was the kid that no parent wanted to have.

Previously, before Baekhyun and his life-ruining ass stumbled into everyone's perfectly fine life, he'd mentor Sehun. At that moment, Sehun was supposed to be in that work room with him, but instead, Baekhyun had whisked away his apprentice to play a board game, hence the laughing that Chanyeol could hear. He could tell when someone made a mistake in front of the genius Byun Baekhyun because the stupid Baekhyun would laugh like an idiot in his opponents' faces.

Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a time tolerance of fifteen minutes to calm the hell down and shut the hell up, but luckily for the both of them, Baekhyun's laughter died within about a minute of Chanyeol's silent promise.

Thanking the gods, Chanyeol took delight in the silence that had finally overcome the entire house. By the sound of things—or lack of—Chanyeol figured that the game was finally over and that, hopefully, someone had knocked Baekhyun out cold.

As Sehun excused himself to the work room, Kai made himself useful by fixing the chairs at the dining table and putting the board game away. Baekhyun, on the other hand, went over to Kyungsoo, who was taking vegetables out from the fridge, and started to drape his arms over him.

"Kyungsoo..." Baekhyun mumbled, setting his chin on Kyungsoo's shoulder even though Kyungsoo was moving around.


"Can you make dessert tonight?" Baekhyun asked. "Like cheesecake?"

Gently shaking Baekhyun off of him, Kyungsoo turned around and gave Baekhyun an apologetic look. "Sorry, Baek. I don't know how to make that."

Baekhyun's eyes brightened and his head cocked to the right. "I know how."

Kyungsoo gave him a doubtful look. "Oh?"

"I've watched enough videos on the internet to know how to make it," Baekhyun said, stating his credentials. "I think I'm qualified."

Kyungsoo smirked. "I don't think we have any of the ingredients here, though."

"How about going into town?"

"Can't," Kyungsoo replied. "I don't have the time to go now. How about tomorrow? We can go to the store tomorrow and—"

Baekhyun grimaced. "How about you let me take the car and—"

"Chanyeol would never allow that, Baekhyun," Kyungsoo said in an amused tone as he set the vegetables on the counter and went to grab a chopping board. "You know how he is with you and the car."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now