The Dark Side

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"What're you still doing here!? He called. He's already at the station!"

As Baekhyun nagged at him from the entry way to his room, Chanyeol just rolled his eyes as he kept his back turned, fixing his hair in the mirror. He checked his shirt to see if he got any last minute stains on the white shirt that he decided to change into. Chanyeol was fully aware that Baekhyun was watching him with an unpleased look. He became even more aware when Baekhyun started tapping his foot.

Fed up, Chanyeol turned his head. "What?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything," Baekhyun replied with his arms crossed.

"Quit taping your foot, Baekhyun," Chanyeol said as he turned back to the mirror.

"I will once you stop looking at yourself," Baekhyun threw back. He sighed and entered Chanyeol's room. "Kai's at the station. You should've left ten minutes ago," he grumbled as he set a knee on Chanyeol's bed before climbing on.

"He can wait," Chanyeol muttered. "It's not my problem—"

"It is when you're the one who offered to pick him up," Baekhyun argued. "You know, if you just gave me the car, you wouldn't have had to get changed, which is stupid, by the way." Using the headboard, Baekhyun rose to his feet, standing on the bed. "Really. Why'd you have to get dressed anyways, Chanyeol? You're not trying to impress him, are you?"

Chanyeol scoffed. "First impressions are important, Baek." Finished and satisfied with his appearance, Chanyeol turned around to see Baekhyun lightly hopping on his bed. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Your bed's springy," Baekhyun commented, ignoring Chanyeol's question. "What do you think the constant is for the spring?"

"What do you care about physics?" Chanyeol asked, giving Baekhyun an annoyed look. "Get off the bed unless you have the intention of continuing last night on it."

Baekhyun laughed and jumped on the bed some more. "How much force does it take to break a bed?"

Chanyeol scrunched his brows. "Is that what you're trying to do?"

"I'll break your bed if you don't leave the house right now," Baekhyun threatened.

Chanyeol wasn't in the mood for games. In fact, he wasn't in the mood for anything when it came to Baekhyun. When Baekhyun landed on the bed again, Chanyeol reached, grabbed him by the foot and pulled, causing Baekhyun to fall back on the mattress.

"Fine. I'm leaving." Then Chanyeol hovered over him for a second. "But when I get back, you better not act out just because I allowed this guy to come over. And once he leaves, Baek? It'll be back to work. I might even add a few new rules just for you."

"What about for Sehun and Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked with a grin as he sat up.

"I didn't say anything about them." Chanyeol gave Baekhyun one last look before grabbing a black jacket from the back of a chair and walking to the door. "Now get out."

Baekhyun shrugged before he quickly walked past Chanyeol. After Chanyeol closed the door, he looked forward and saw Baekhyun waiting for him. He didn't think that it was out of the ordinary even though Chanyeol wondered why Baekhyun even bothered to wait for him to close his door when it would've been normal for him to just ditch. But, Chanyeol didn't have to wonder for long.

"Can you buy me a bike?"

Without bothering to sigh in stupid frustration, Chanyeol walked on. "No."

"I just want some sort of transportation to town—"

Chanyeol stopped, causing Baekhyun to walk right into him. "What do you need to go into town for?"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now