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The drive on the way home was silent, but Chanyeol figured that the tension he felt was one-sided on his part. Baekhyun didn't seem like he felt this silent tension. He was humming and drumming his fingers on the window. Chanyeol didn't mind so much of his vicarious and unorthodox new worker until he decided to play his feet up on the dashboard.

Chanyeol used a hand to forcibly take Baekhyun's legs off the surface. "Never put your feet anywhere inside this car other than the floor."

Baekhyun was about to snap that Chanyeol was a nobody and that he didn't take orders, but then he remembered—again—that he had a job. He cocked his head to his employer and smiled, though Chanyeol knew that this smile was fake as fuck. "Of course."

Deciding not to comment on Baekhyun's tone, Chanyeol changed the subject. "Since you're new and since you weren't fired this morning for trying to touch me, we might as well get to know each other."

Baekhyun glanced up, pretending to think about it. "How about no."

"How about you start talking or else I'll kick you out right here in this god forsaken flat land and make you walk all the way back to the house?"

There were no bullets to that threat and Baekhyun knew it. Nevertheless, he rolled with the punch that Chanyeol threw his way. His fingers slipped and found the door lock, unlocking it. "Okay."

At the sound of the click, Chanyeol's head snapped to Baekhyun's side just in time to see Baekhyun in the midst of pushing the car door open. Instinctively, Chanyeol stepped on the brakes. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "Walking back to the house, Mr. Park."

Chanyeol eyed Byun Baekhyun. "I wasn't being serious."

Baekhyun bobbled his head before pushing the door open, taking advantage of the car not being in motion. "I'll just follow the shore line. I'll get there eventually." Baekhyun shut the door before Chanyeol could speak and began to walk.

Inside the car, Chanyeol watched his maid defiantly walk with his hands in his pockets. "Did they do the right background check?" he mumbled to himself. Cause this guy doesn't seem like he belongs to a family like the Byuns. Then Chanyeol thought. But then again, his attitude is arrogant—typical. Sighing, Chanyeol put the car in motion, slowly moving next to Baekhyun. Then he rolled the window down. "Yah! Get back in the car!"

"Can't," Baekhyun replied, keeping his head looking forward. "You're gonna make me talk about myself."

"What's so bad about that?" Chanyeol was trying to figure out how to drive, while trying to talk to Baekhyun with his head turn to the side. He didn't wanna run over the guy's foot. How would Baekhyun work? Or worse yet, how would he explain it to his grandmother if she ever decided to visit how he ran over Byun's foot?

"Oh, I don't know," Baekhyun said. "First it'll start off with what kind of pets I had when I was younger. Then it'd move on to my family and then my friends. Afterwards, you'll end up having me write down when all my sexual activities happened—"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now