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After safely crossing over to the other side, Baekhyun walked over to a bench and took out Nugget along with the dog's leash from one of the bag's pockets. Once he was done latching it to the pup's collar, Baekhyun set him on the ground and lead the way back to the group.

Scrutinizing the dog and his dumb father, Chanyeol narrowed his eyes. "Shouldn't you be a little more discrete?" he asked, drawing his eyes to Nugget, who was walking excited circles around Baekhyun's feet.

Confused, Baekhyun looked down at his pup. Then something dawned on him and he clicked his tongue. Crouching down on the ground, Baekhyun reopened his backpack, pulling out a few materials. In complete defeat, Chanyeol then watched as Baekhyun straddled a vest on the dog and whip out a retractable walking stick as well as a pair of very dark glasses.

"They can't take away a blind man's Seeing Eye Dog."

Kris was the only one who laughed. The others were anticipating Chanyeol's reaction, which turned out to be less reactive that they had thought it would be. After biting down his tongue to try and restrain himself from saying anything harshly about Baekhyun intelligence, Chanyeol stepped forward and took the glasses off. Then he pried Nugget's leash from Baekhyun's hand.

As Baekhyun was about to object, Chanyeol held up a hand silence him. Turning around, he directed himself towards Sehun, pulling Nugget along, who was confused and reluctant to move away from his dad. After being given a small smile from Baekhyun and a gentle hand encouraging him to move on, Nugget hung his head and kept up with Chanyeol.

Handing the leash over to Sehun, Chanyeol placed the glasses on Sehun's face. "Congratulations. You're now blind." Turning his head to Baekhyun, Chanyeol crooked a finger. "Come over here and give him that stick."

Baekhyun looked down at his retractable stick and sighed. He proceeded to walk over and surrender the item. "I don't understand..." he mumbled, giving Chanyeol a look.

"What don't you get?" Chanyeol asked, turning his body to face the frowning male. "Sehun's going to take the dog."

"But why?"

Chanyeol looked towards the sky for a moment before rubbing his eyes. "Baek, a date's a date. It's between you and me. We're not going to drag around an entire circus. It's not what I intended when I asked you to come here with me."

"But..." Baekhyun's voice trailed off as he dropped his eyes down to Nugget who was using the full length of his leash to try and distance himself away from Sehun. "Nugget—"

Taking Baekhyun's face and gently forcing him to look back up, Chanyeol gave him a reassuring look. "Your overweight dog's going to be fine."

"But he wants me," Baekhyun pointed out.

"Well, guess who wants you more?" Chanyeol said in a low voice. "Me. So just leave the dog in Sehun's hands for now. I swear to you, when we get back home, your dog will still be intact."

Baekhyun opened his mouth to argue once more, but the look in Chanyeol's eyes made him stop. He conceded and nodded, releasing himself from Chanyeol's touch. Then he crouched down and scratched the back of Nugget's head. "Dad's gonna give you over to Sehun for now, okay? Tall man wants me all to himself for today."

Nugget looked up at his dad, appearing to look sad. It only made Baekhyun grimace. Knowing that one more second of Nugget trying to guilt Baekhyun into changing his mind would end badly for him, Chanyeol took hold of Baekhyun's arm and pulled him back up. Looking at the others, Chanyeol proceeded to clarify the plan.

"Baekhyun and I will go off on our own. You can split into your own groups if you'd like. I don't care." Then, reaching into his back pocket, Chanyeol took out a thick, folded piece of paper. "Everyone should have a map."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now