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As much as Chanyeol tried, he couldn't win. He realized this when Baekhyun threw him a smile as if nothing happened between them that morning and that he had happily gotten his rocks off from Kris' large hands. It took a second to recollect himself. If he hadn't done so, he would've thrown the pup outside and finished what he had started with Baekhyun right there in the kitchen.

Pulling himself from the sexual fantasy of having Baekhyun eat his words—amongst other things—against the kitchen counter, Chanyeol stood up from the table. Baekhyun's eyes followed him as he continued to bounce Nugget on his lap. "You're not eating?"

"Not hungry."

Baekhyun cocked his head to the right. "Why not?"

Chanyeol glanced at him. "I need to go to town."

"For what?"

"You don't need to know," Chanyeol replied as he pushed his chair in. "At least not now." When he saw that Baekhyun was looking to argue, Chanyeol cut him off before he could even start. "Where's Kris?"

"In the shower," Baekhyun said, moving his eyes down to his plate. It was just a guess, but he did figure that Kris would be there.

Chanyeol sarcastically laughed before starting to move back down the hallway. "And how would you know that, Baekhyun?" he asked mockingly.

"He invited me to join him after he satisfied me," Baekhyun said, shrugging as Chanyeol's face turned to stone. "I had to turn him down, unfortunately."



While Chanyeol was gone, Baekhyun was left to quietly sulk and curse the guy for what he had done that morning. After leaving the room, Baekhyun had thought about going to Kris since his hands were similar to Chanyeol's and it wouldn't have been too hard to fantasize that it was the tyrant giant doing those things to him, but Baekhyun knew that Kris would've wanted more than he was willing to give.

Where Chanyeol had gone? Baekhyun didn't know. He didn't know what the giant was going off to buy, and he didn't understand why Chanyeol had decided to leave at that moment when he could've been off working on whatever work he had been working on for the last few days. Baekhyun just figured that Chanyeol was embarrassed to some degree for what he did, but he put this thought aside because he didn't like thinking about Chanyeol regretting things concerning him.

After Baekhyun finished eating, he went back to his bedroom and switched out of his clothes and into a pair of shorts meant for swimming. He knew that he had Chanyeol's room to clean still, and he knew that Kris' room still needed to be tended to after he was done taking that supposed shower, but Baekhyun didn't care. Chanyeol could make him hard to the brink of painful insanity, but he couldn't stop Baekhyun from going into the ocean in broad daylight.



Town was small. It was small, but it had an aristocratic feel since most of the people who ventured there had their owned large villas along the coast also. People around the area were nice, but when Chanyeol was moving through the only pharmaceutical store in the town looking for lube, he couldn't help but feel like he was going to be judged by the elderly woman who clerked the store.

He struggled with the thought for a moment before he decided he didn't care. To him, it didn't matter if he could never show his face in the store anymore due to embarrassment. He'd have to face sickness and disease alone with no medication. But on the bright side, he'd have lube and he'd have Baekhyun spread beneath him. It'd be worth it despite the fact that Chanyeol silently promised himself that he wouldn't uncap or use the tube until the time was right.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now