Mother Nature's Peanuts (mpreg)

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Mother Nature's Peanuts ---A Not Intended!au

Pairing: Chanyeol / Baekhyun

Length: 6.5k roughly (this is part 1/3)

WARNING: mpreg

A/n: 10 chapters into Not Intended, I thought about making it Mpreg but the idea was shot down by readers, so I kept it as it was. However, pregnant Baek is yum, Not Intended Baek is a yum, so it's a yum yum.

4k of this was written on twitter so excuse me for the simplicity of my words/structuring. Hope you enjoy it! Whispers I love NI....

*** The next 3 uploads will be mpreg. It will set up the NI!mpre

The door creaked open, causing Chanyeol to raise his head up and look towards the door. Baekhyun stuck his head in, his usual smile gone. "Hey, ass crack, Luhan's taking me to the doctor," he informed.

Chanyeol creased his brows, unaware of the situation. "Why?"

"I haven't been feeling well and I'm pretty sure it's not the fish dinner you made a few nights ago," Baekhyun mumbled with pursed lips.

Chanyeol paused. "So Luhan's taking you?"

Baekhyun nodded. "We'll be back before dinner. Don't cook—incase this is because of you."

Sighing, Chanyeol nodded, standing up from his chair and walking over to the door. "No driving. Sit in the passenger seat."

Stepping into the room momentarily, Baekhyun padded inside, giving Chanyeol a quick hug. "I solemnly swear that I will not drink alcohol when my appointment is done."

"Better not," Chanyeol mumbled before stealing a quick kiss on the brunet's cheek. "Hopefully you just have gas, right?"

With the moment ruined, Baekhyun thrusted his fist into Chanyeol's stomach, backing away from the embrace. "I'm not gross! It's not gas!"

Regretting his words, Chanyeol put a hand on the spot Baekhyun punched as he watched his small fiancé exit. "Idiot..."



Chanyeol didn't expect much for when Baekhyun would return. Maybe the doctor would provide some pills for whatever Baekhyun was feeling. But as the evening rolled by and he heard the front door shut, like every time Baekhyun walked through the doors, it was a different scenario from what he imagined.

Getting up from the kitchen bar stool, Chanyeol went over to greet the brunet, only to be graced with Baekhyun bursting into tears. Even Luhan, who was following behind, seemed surprised. Before Chanyeol could even approach, Baekhyun dropped his backpack and ran to his room.

"What the hell happened to him?" Chanyeol asked angrily at the maid, who gave him a shrug, but no information. Cursing under his breath, Chanyeol ran after his scurrying fiancé only to be met with a door that was completely locked. The sound of crying was clear to Chanyeol's ears and nothing tore him up more inside. Curling his hands into fists, he pounded on the door.

"Baek! Baekhyun, open the door!" Chanyeol pleaded, voice strained. "What happened!? What'd they say?"

"Go away..." Chanyeol heard the smaller command, but didn't heed. "Baekhyun, what's wrong? Tell me what's wrong and open the door."

After that, Baekhyun failed to respond with anything but muffled cries and sniffles, leaving the door locked and Chanyeol waiting outside. For thirty minutes, Chanyeol sat outside in silence, hopelessly listening to Baekhyun's turmoil inside the room. He had a key to the room, but he figured that Baekhyun locked it for a reason. Opting to stay outside, he gave glances to his workers who came by to see if everything was alright or if Baekhyun had opened the door for him.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now