Stakes and Claims (RATED)

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Chanyeol didn't find himself alone in the bedroom with Baekhyun immediately. Once inside the house, Nugget had a piss accident that Baekhyun had to take care off. Afterwards, Kris had to settle into his room, in which he thought it was extremely important to hog up Baekhyun's attention. Chanyeol didn't necessarily like how his subordinate ordered Baekhyun to put away items in his bathroom like the last time he was there, but Baekhyun waved him off, telling him that it was fine.

Afterwards, Kris asked if he could quickly go over a few papers to lighten the load for the next few days. Obligated to put work first, Chanyeol agreed, letting Kris take up an hour and fifteen minutes of his time.

When he stepped out of the room, he found out that during the time he was with Kris, Baekhyun was actually free, but at the moment, not anymore. As he stepped into the kitchen, he saw his lover sticking his finger down the assistant cook's mouth, telling him to taste it and ignoring the gagging sound the latter was making.

Chanyeol saw that Baekhyun's hands were brown. A part of him thought that Baekhyun had snapped and finally decided to shove Nugget's shit in someone's mouth, but as he saw the brownie mix box, this speculation died. With slanted shoulders, Chanyeol walked over to the struggle duo and pulled Baekhyun away.

When Baekhyun grinned, held up his finger, and asked him if he wanted to taste the batter, Chanyeol snapped at him and asked why the hell would he have wanted to lick the finger that had just been previously shoved down Kai's throat.

Their night together was pushed back as Baekhyun stayed to finish the batch. During this time, Chanyeol went outside with Nugget, telling the dog to do his business. Nugget, feeling pressured to push out his logs, stepped down on the steps and sat at the bottom of the deck refusing to do anything.

Chanyeol stared at the dog for minutes before deciding that it was pointless. When he picked up Nugget, a stream of water came out of his happy genital and marked Chanyeol straight on the chest.

Dropping the dog, Chanyeol cursed as he tried to pull the wet area off of him. Scowling, Chanyeol herded Nugget back inside the house. In a hurry to his bedroom, he didn't answer when Baekhyun asked him what was wrong.

In the shower, Chanyeol took the time to calm down. Nugget, to him, was just an animal with no manners—like his dad. Thinking about this, Chanyeol laughed quietly under his breath.

Baekhyun's bad influence was rubbing off on the dog. The next thing he knows, Nugget could become the father of fifty pups around town if he turns out be as promiscuous as his dad.

It wasn't until Chanyeol had stepped out of the shower that Baekhyun was finally free. With a towel wrapped around his waist, Chanyeol stopped in his tracks as his eyes laid on Baekhyun who was just closing the bedroom door.

"Fresh out of the shower," Baekhyun whistled. "How delicious."

Chanyeol snorted as he walked over and put an arm around Baekhyun's shoulder, leading him towards the bathroom. "Take off your clothes and go take a shower first."

"Are you going to join me?"

"That'd be a little redundant for me to take a shower again."

"But it'd be with me," Baekhyun mumbled, brushing his fingers on the edge of Chanyeol's towel.

Groaning, Chanyeol pushed him away towards the bathroom. "Baek, I'll love you all you want. I'll love you slow and I'll love you hard—after you take a shower."

"Okay, I'll hurry up," Baekhyun replied, walking in the bathroom while pulling off his shirt. With his back turned towards Chanyeol, he threw his shirt on the ground.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now