Love in the Dark (RATED)

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Despite the fact that Kris, Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun, and Nugget were unexpected add-ons to date plan, Chanyeol found that the date hadn't gone as badly as he thought it would. He hit a lot of things on his list as well as more. In the beginning he thought that all he'd get out of the date was some innocent time together, but as they came out of the zoo hand in hand as "boyfriends", Chanyeol couldn't help but feel a little accomplished.

The term "boyfriend" was still ringing in his mind even as he was driving the entire gang back to the house. Baekhyun was the only one awake while the others slept just like last time. As the sun set and the light began to disappear, the car was enveloped in darkness, giving them another shroud of privacy.

With nothing illuminating the inside of the car but the functions on the dash board, Chanyeol could barely see Baekhyun's face. Nonetheless, he managed to find the other's hand in the dark. Nothing filled the silence in the car, but the low oldies music that Chanyeol had decided to put on—to which Baekhyun argued about for ten minutes before losing the debate.

When they had finally passed through town and were heading straight for their house, Chanyeol squeezed Baekhyun's hand and asked, "So, what'd you think about today?"

"It was nice."

"Can you come up with a better adjective?" Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun laughed. "I had fun—I loved it a lot..." Leaning against his seat, he closed his eyes. "I slightly love you, too. You're not a bad guy. I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me in a long time."


"Actually, no," Baekhyun said, shaking his head. "That's too big of a compliment. Let's downsize it to—"

"Wait, wait—" Chanyeol furrowed his brows as he looked back and forth from the road and Baekhyun. "You can't just take back what you said."

"I think I can," Baekhyun argued. "If only you could really see my face now, Yeol. It's red. I just said something embarrassing—ah." He patted his cheek with his right hand. "You're still a great guy, though. And I still like you a lot and slightly love you."

"And I'm still the best thing that's ever—"

"I feel like I'm feeding your overweight ego with that compliment," Baekhyun pointed out.

Chanyeol groaned. "Baek, there's no backtracking in this relationship."

"Excuse you," Baekhyun piped. "You backtrack a lot."

"If you're referring to our bedroom activities, Baek, then yes I do backtrack a lot," Chanyeol said, quick to admit. "I have to. You don't stretch that quickly, alright?" He paused. "But as for you and that compliment, I'm not going to forget about it and you can't take it back, damn it."

Covering his mouth with his hand, Baekhyun gave him a small glance. "Fine, but I'm not repeating it—not until I'm ready."

"When will you be ready to tell your boyfriend he's the best thing that's ever happened to you again, Baek?" Chanyeol teased. "Tell him how long he has to wait."

"I'll tell him when I feel like it," Baekhyun said, giving Chanyeol a smug look. "I'll tell my current boyfriend that I love him with my entire being at the altar."

"Oh, how sweet," Chanyeol scoffed. "You're already thinking about marrying me."

"Excuse you. I said current boyfriend," Baekhyun said. "We might break up. I might get a new boyfriend. I might be talking about my future current boyfriend, not you."

"Even in the dark, you should know that I'm not smiling right now."

"When are you ever smiling?" Baekhyun laughed. Knowing that Chanyeol was still not budging, Baekhyun leaned over and kissed Chanyeol on the cheek. Even then, Chanyeol remained stone faced. "Yah, it was a joke."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now