Only Fitting

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The only thing in Chanyeol's mind was the sole objective to drive as fast as possible to town so they could drop off Kris and get Baekhyun a pair of jeans, because, in the rear view mirror, Chanyeol could visibly see Baekhyun sitting on Kris' lap, unaware and unmindful of the fact that he was—in all technicalities—cheating on him. Chanyeol's eyes darted over at Kyungsoo, who was sitting in the front passenger seat totally content of the fact that he had dodged a bullet a few minutes back.

When Kris had barged himself in, the car was already full. He suggested that someone could sit on his lap for the duration of the drive, but he had done so while giving Kyungsoo a look. Kyungsoo, in turn, popped the personal bubble between Kai and him as if scooting uncomfortably closer to his apprentice was better than letting Kris touch him.

Chanyeol didn't necessarily want to have a say in what was happening. He didn't care. It wasn't him that invited Kris to join, so it wasn't his problem trying to figure out how to fit the tall bastard in. After a few minutes of trying to move people around, Baekhyun finally piped up and offered his seat to Kyungsoo.

For once, Chanyeol actually wanted Baekhyun to be the true asshole that he knew he was and not do anything nice. Before he could even object, Kyungsoo had shamelessly left Kai's side and took the front and Baekhyun had taken his new spot: Kris' lap.

If Chanyeol could name his car at the moment, he'd name it "The Rolling Cock Block" for obvious reasons. He knew that Kris was throwing him glances from behind, but Chanyeol figured that he'd get his time to punch him and to put Baekhyun back into his place sometime soon.

The only thing on his mind was to get to town before he had the strong urge to drive the car off a cliff.

Once parked in front of a small local clothing store, Chanyeol immediately threw off his seatbelt. Then he turned back to the backseats. "Out."

Sehun rolled down his window. "I'll stay here."

Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo, who shrugged and settled back into his seat. "I'll stay here, too."

"Same," Kai piped.

With the three knocked off the list, Chanyeol turned his attention to Baekhyun, who was sitting on Kris as if waiting for some sort of command—a command Chanyeol was happy to give. "Let's go."

Without a word in argument, Baekhyun reached for the handle and opened the door. Briefly, he tapped Kris on the thigh before jumping out. "Thanks for lending me your legs," he said with a bright smile. Then he leaned back in the car and whispered something in Kris' ear.

Chanyeol could do nothing, but watch as Baekhyun exchanged secret words with his subordinate. To him, the message looked like it was something interestingly personal considering how Kris pulled back, looking like a thief caught red handed. Baekhyun, though, still had a grin on his face even as he closed the door.

Utterly done with the situation and with the gnawing feeling in his gut, Chanyeol got out as well. He met Baekhyun out at the front of the car and didn't hesitate to grab the smug-faced male's hand, letting those who stayed in the car see—especially Kris. With hands laced together, Chanyeol led them into the store.

Intent on getting what they needed and getting out as soon as possible, Chanyeol called over a shop assistant to try and find a pair of jeans that fit Baekhyun perfectly both in style and in size. Once they were given a few pairs to go try on, Chanyeol tagged along to the fitting rooms.

When he tried to enter the actual room, Baekhyun tried to shut the door before he could put a foot inside. Chanyeol's quick reflexes aided him as his hand caught hold of the door before he was shut out. "I'm coming in whether you like it or not."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now