The Definition Jealousy

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When twelve started to come around, Chanyeol walked the two of them over to the picnic area where they found Kyungsoo sitting alone at a table with Nugget on his lap. As they got closer, Kyungsoo lifted his eyes off from the dog, looked at them, and waved. As Nugget became more and more excited, Kyungsoo decided to set Nugget on the ground. Within a second, Nugget was running towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol lost hand contact with the male as Baekhyun detached his hand.

While Baekhyun picked up Nugget and danced with him as if they hadn't seen each other in years, Chanyeol walked past him and took a seat next to Kyungsoo. He set an elbow on the table and leaned against his arm, giving Kyungsoo a tired look. "How's it been?"

Kyungsoo shrugged as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm actually having a nice time—Well, it's kind of a hassle trying to figure out where to go next. Kris wants to go one way, Kai the other." Sighing, Kyungsoo stretched his arms. "On the other hand, Nugget's been a good dog."

"Hn." Chanyeol looked back at Baekhyun, who was on the ground messing around with Nugget. "Where's Sehun?"

"Over there," Kyungsoo replied, pointing in the direction of the food court where Sehun was ordering something at a booth as Kris and Kai stood around waiting for him to finish.

"Shouldn't the dog be with him?" Chanyeol muttered. "What blind man goes around without his Seeing Eye Dog?" When Kyungsoo didn't answer, Chanyeol sighed and called Baekhyun over. "Baek, what do you wanna eat?"

"I don't know," Baekhyun replied, raising his head. Looking at the where Sehun, Kai, and Kris were, he smiled. "I'll see what's there to eat."

Picking up Nugget, Baekhyun quickly jogged over to Chanyeol and dropped the dog on his lap. Placing a kiss on his finger, Baekhyun gave Nugget an indirect kiss. For Chanyeol, he leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. After catching Kyungsoo looking at him, Baekhyun grinned and leaned over Chanyeol, pulled Kyungsoo by the shirt and kissed him quickly on the cheek as well.

"I didn't want you feeling like a third wheel," Baekhyun said.

"I was fine," Kyungsoo replied, glancing over at Chanyeol's expression. "I don't need to be kissed—ever."

Baekhyun gave him a lopsided smile. "Remind me to kiss you again sometime, then," he said, laughing. Ignoring the look on Chanyeol's face, Baekhyun pinched his cheek for a moment before turning on his heel. Then without another word, Baekhyun quickly walked towards the food court.

After a second, Kyungsoo let out a small laugh. "Casual as can be."

"Kissing shouldn't be something casual," Chanyeol muttered. As Nugget stood on his hind legs and pawed at Chanyeol's chest, Chanyeol had to sway his body to try and get away from the dog. In the end, Kyungsoo had to take Nugget away and place him on the table.

After brushing off his shirt, Chanyeol glared at the dog. "What about you?" he asked. "Are you having a good time, you free loading dog?"

"That's not nice to say," Kyungsoo said, rubbing Nugget's back. "He's been good." Glancing at Chanyeol, he asked, "What about his dad? Has he been good?"

Unable to hold back the urge, Chanyeol smirked. "Extremely."

"You haven't done anything inappropriate have you?" Kyungsoo questioned with only a slight sense of interest.

Shaking his head, Chanyeol denied. "I'm not gonna fuck him in the restroom if that's what you mean."

"That's good to know." Taking his eyes off Nugget for a moment, Kyungsoo looked up. "Oh, well would you look at that?"

"What?" With his interest sparked, Chanyeol turned his head in the direction Kyungsoo was looking towards. When he saw a pair of girls, Chanyeol turned back around. "What about them?"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now