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Baekhyun found out a long time ago that no matter how drunk he got, he'd always remember ninety percent of the events that happened. It was helpful, but on the flip side, it upset him. There were things he wanted to forget and things he didn't want to remember, but he didn't really have a choice.

His memory was solid.

It was nearly six forty-five in the morning and he couldn't find it in him to drift back to sleep, despite how enticing it was with the feel of Chanyeol's arms around him. For a few fleeting minutes, Baekhyun listened to the gentle breathing beside him as well as the faint ocean sounds from outside.

During this, thoughts fluttered through his mind— most of which involved Chanyeol. It hadn't been until recently that Baekhyun began to seriously think about putting off his show and confessing who he really was to the giant. Despite his lack of experience in genuine relationships, Baekhyun knew that honesty was always the most important thing in a relationship, and he didn't think it was fair to keep Chanyeol in the dark. Baekhyun was well aware that it was wrong to hide the fact that he was already engaged to another person while dating Chanyeol.

The more he thought about his situation, the more Baekhyun realized that reality had caught up to him. He had left home and his previous life to rid himself of everything that has ever kept him from doing what he wanted, but in the present moment, he realized that he wasn't completely free. Any man would be angry to find out that their boyfriend was already engaged. Chanyeol was no exception.

Feeling the need to temporarily escape, Baekhyun closed his eyes for a minute before slowly untangling himself from Chanyeol's arms. Softly, he leaned over and pressed his lips against Chanyeol's cheek and carefully slid out of bed. Quietly, he left and tiptoed his way to his bedroom. After changing into the appropriate attire, Baekhyun made his way across the silent house and left through the back door.

He dipped himself in the ocean almost immediately. Spending seconds underwater, Baekhyun let out his frustration by blowing furious bubbles that roughly surfaced up on top, disturbing the water's calm. The water was cold, but once the ticking minutes passed, Baekhyun wasn't as bothered. He figured that he had become too numb to feel anything.

When he had flung himself into the ocean's arms, there was only a small ray of light coming from the horizon. Paranoid of Chanyeol bursting out and yelling at him that Death was just waiting to pull him out with the tide, Baekhyun made sure to keep close to shore.

Once the sun began to rise, Baekhyun decided that it was time to get out. Immediately after coming out of the water, he was hit with a gust of wind, creating goose bumps on his body and forcing him to run back to the place where he had placed his towel.

As he sat watching the slow rise, time was lost in Baekhyun's world. The more he sank into his thoughts, the less relevant everything around him became. Slowly, his thoughts began to drift to the very subject that had caused him to leave the house in the first place.

Baekhyun wondered how the giant would react if he spoke of his real identity. Unconsciously, Baekhyun began to list reasons why Chanyeol might overlook everything.

He was Byun Baekhyun, successor of the enterprise created nearly three generations ago. For a second, Baekhyun wondered if Chanyeol could see an advantage to that. He had money if Chanyeol ever needed it.

Unknown to the sleeping giant at the moment, Baekhyun could practically create a revolutionary piece of technology with the parts of an old toaster. Math was easy to him. Baekhyun had no issues comprehending the most complex theories and concepts. If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, Baekhyun would be golden because he'd either create the world's most foolproof bunker, or better yet, find the cure.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now