I Lied

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The rest of that day went with Baekhyun trying to carry on as if nothing was ever said or done between the two of them. Every time he caught Chanyeol looking at him with a scowl, Baekhyun smiled his way. If Nugget was on his lap, Baekhyun would take the pup's paw and playfully make Nugget wave up and down at the glaring giant. If Nugget wasn't there, Baekhyun would just smile, laugh, and then go back to doing his job.

Chanyeol wanted to force the subject of their confusing and sexually frustrating relationship on the smaller male, but every time that he saw an opportunity to, Baekhyun would use Nugget as an excuse to evade him. After the first few excuses, Chanyeol was pretty tired of Nugget's frequent need to be walked or taken outside to piss. Failing time after time, Chanyeol grew irritated and eventually decided that he'd get the bastard when he least expected it.

In the meantime, Baekhyun continued to go around the house changing sheets, doing laundry, and dusting. By the time it started rolling around the early evening, his entire list of daily chores was done and he was already bored out of his mind—even though Nugget served as a playful companion. Baekhyun felt like he needed some human interaction, but Sehun was off sleeping and Kyungsoo had dragged Kai out of the house to help him shop for the weekly groceries. The only people left in the house were Kris and Chanyeol, but even they were cooped up in Chanyeol's work space.

The deprivation of any activities made Baekhyun a little restless. He wanted to go into town, but Chanyeol had finally hid the car keys somewhere hidden. He didn't have a phone so he couldn't browse the internet on mobile and check up on his "runaway" status in the media. Every time he needed to use the internet, he had to ask Chanyeol for permission to use the giant's laptop, and even then he'd get turned away nine times out of ten.

Baekhyun figured that he might've been too lost in his thought when he accidentally flinched as a pair of hands found themselves on his shoulders. Sitting up from the couch where he had been residing after finishing all his duties, Baekhyun turned around. By the feel of the hands, Baekhyun immediately thought of Chanyeol, but when he saw that he was Kris behind him, he felt as if his expectations were down, but he smiled big anyways.

"Hey. Done working?"

"Yeah," Kris yawned as he let go and stretched his arms. "Chanyeol's putting everything together."

Baekhyun nodded understandingly. He picked up Nugget, who was lying calmly on his lap and started to pet the dog. Kris sat down on a seat adjacent to the couch and turned his eyes at Baekhyun. The two of them looked at each other for a bit before Baekhyun decided to fill in the space with mindless talk.

"So what'd Chanyeol say about my revisions?" Baekhyun asked brightly.

Kris looked confused for a second, but then he scoffed, fully recalling what Baekhyun was referring to. "He got angry, but he didn't change it back." When Kris saw Baekhyun smile some more, he tilted his head to the side.

Despite knowing that he was playing on dangerous waters, Kris decided to rendezvous with confidential information that might trigger things if he wasn't careful. As Baekhyun continued to softly stroke Nugget's dark fur, Kris rubbed his knuckles.

"Baek, why do you work as a maid for Chanyeol?" Kris started out hesitantly. "You obviously know your physics and math if you're criticizing Chanyeol's."

Baekhyun shrugged. "I like it here."

"But why are you here, though? You could be doing bigger and better things instead of cleaning Chanyeol's mess."

"Because Chanyeol needs me." When Kris didn't look like he was gonna take Baekhyun's mock answer, Baekhyun laughed. "Okay, it's the other way around. I need him—well, his employment. If I get fired, then I'd have to leave."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now