☻︎𝐓 𝐀 𝐍 𝐉 𝐈 𝐑 𝐎 𝐊 𝐀 𝐌 𝐀 𝐃 𝐎☹︎ (𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫)

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You were sitting on the couch watching TV for God knows how long, waiting for tanjiro to come back.

You looked at the clock to see it was 1 in the morning. You huffed and got up and went to your shared room to put a coat on and grab your sword for safety.

While walking you felt eyes on you so you turned around.

It was a demon!

You quickly pulled your sword out but it...vanished?

Catching you off guard it appeared behind you and clawed the side of your stomach leaving a blood running opening.


I yelped in pain but sliced it's head off while it was laughing,catching it off guard.

"Now..let's go find, Ack.... Tanjiro"

I said while holding the gash on my side and started walking to the butterfly estate.

"Last time I checked,he said he was with kanao,and if he isn't here then I can get checked up on anyways"

I said arriving at the estate and knocked.

Shinobu answered looking tired.


She looked at my injured side.

"Oh my goodness! Come in,I'll be right back let me get the medical kit"

She said as she ran off.

While waiting I heard the weird grunts that sounded like tanjiro's and another's.

So I walked towards kanao's room and opened the door and saw her and tanjiro both naked.

My heart sank as tears flowed out my eyes.


Tanjiro said wrapping his self up while kanao looked at me like she saw a ghost.

"(Y/n) I'm ba-"

Shinobu cut her sentence off when she saw the scene.

"It's not what it looks like!"

Tanjiro said making his way to me.

"How long...."



tanjiro looked away.

" 3 weeks" kanao said.

"I'm sorry (y/n)"

Kanao apologized.

"Wow! And I've been carrying your baby for 2 weeks already! And you've been going behind my back doing this!?"

I yelled.

"Y-your pregnant!?"

Tanjiro asked surprised

"I was pregnant"

And with that I slammed the door shut.

"C'mon shinobu I'm in a lot of pain" I said wiping my tears and she took me to a room while she cleaned my wounds.

"Are you....getting rid of the baby?"

Shinobu asked while looking at me sadly.

"I only said that to scare tanjiro, of course not"

I replied back.

"Thank goodness,it would be nice to have a little you running around"


She finished cleaning up my wounds and asked if she could walk me home.


While walking out tanjiro stopped me.

"(Y/n)! Can we ta-" he got cut off as shinobu spoke.

"She does not want to talk to you right now,what you did was so disgusting, when I get back I'm gonna have a talk with kanao" she said and we continued walking.

We arrived to my house and I waved goodbye.

"Goodnight obu"

"Night (n/n)"

I took a shower and laid down to sleep.

(Few years later)

I've divorced tanjiro and lived my life with inosuke for 3 years ,while 8 months pregnant with a baby boy. My daughter is now 7 and she looked just like tanjiro with (h/c) hair and burgundy tips,she was so loving,kind,and caring.


(D/n) called out to me


"Dad is here!"

She said running to the door

Tanjiro looked at my growing belly

"Hi (y/n)"

He said with a sweet smile and then hugged his daughter and gave her gifts.

Everytime I look at him I remember that night that everything changed.


I said with a mumble

He smiled and gave his daughter kisses then left,and I could've sworn I seen a tear run down his face.

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