Hisoka Morow (yandere)

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It's been I think 3 months since hisoka kidnapped me. Whenever I was disobeying him or talking back he would lock me up in a room, chained to a bed. I had to beg for him to let me out this time or else I would've been there for a week.

"Hisoka?". I whimpered out. "C-can I please come out now?". I begged. It was silent for a moment and I put my head down until I heard the locks from the door clinking. I lifted my head up and saw hisoka coming through the door. He smirked when he saw me sitting on the ground. "Will you behave now?". I nodded.

He narrowed his eyes. "I don't believe you. Plus I still have to give you your punishment~". He grinned. My eyes widened and tears fell from them. "I-I promise hisoka! I'll listen! Please don't punish me!". I looked up at him with my teary eyes. "Stop making that face. Your turning me on with that whining, crying and begging~".

I stopped the rest of my tears and wiped my eyes as I sniffled. "Get up". I stood up and looked at him, on the verge of tears again. He unchained me from the bed and kissed my lips as he picked me up and carried me to his room.

"H-hisoka what are you doing?". I felt his hard erection between my legs and I knew what he was going to do. He sat me on the bed and I saw his hard erection through his pants. He smirked. "Open your mouth and say "ahh~" for me". "Hisoka I-". He stopped me by sticking two fingers into my mouth.

I instantly gagged at how far his fingers went. "Hmmisokamm". I tried to say around his fingers. I grabbed his wrists to try and pulls his fingers out but he pushed deeper which caused my eyes to roll and gag harder. Tears welled up and left my eyes, rolling down my cheeks.

I coughed around his fingers and was uncontrollably gagging. He finally pulled his fingers out my mouth and I coughed while holding my throat. "Pathetic. You can't even hold two fingers down your throat. I'm starting to think you won't handle my cock". I breathed heavily while looking at him.

"Oh well". He said and unzipped his pants. "We're gonna try anyway". He took his rock hard cock out and shoved it into my face. "Go on darling~ suck it~". I looked at his cock then back up to him. "I-I don't-". He stuffed his cock down my throat, cutting me off. As soon as he stuck it down my throat his tip hit my uvula (that little dangling thing that's in the back of your throat) which caused me to gag. He pushed further and my eyes rolled back. I had to push his hips back a little so I didn't gag up my guts.

He grabbed my hair and slammed his cock back where he had it. He then started thrusting his cock hardly into my mouth. Tears pooled out my eyes as my hands gripped the side of his hips. I felt his dick sliding deeper and deeper down my throat as he continued thrusting. "Mm~ your throat feels so good~ are you having fun down there~" he grinned. He threw his head back as he went deeper and faster.

"Fuck (y/n)~ I'm going to! Cummmm~". He groaned out as he cummed deep down my throat. He took his cock out and his fluids were still in my mouth. "Swallow all of it". He looked down at me, daring me to spill a single drop of his fluids. I swallowed all of his cum and coughed rapidly. My throat stung as the cum went down my throat. It was surely gonna be sore later on.

He pulled his pants up and laid me down on the bed. My womanhood was throbbing and soaking wet. I closed my legs and he looked at me with a sly smirk. "What's wrong?~". He opened my legs and slid my shorts off and I looked away from him. "Ooh~ your soaking wet~". He moved my panties to the side and rubbed his fingers up and down my clit. "Hisoka~". I moaned.

He kissed me and stuck a finger into me. "Mm!~ haa~ hisoka just please fuck me already". I can't believe I was actually begging the man who kidnapped me to fuck me. It's not my fault I've been sexually active before he even kidnapped me. He slid my panties off and his pants. "Be gentle it's my f-first time". "Who said I was gonna fuck you?". I looked at him confusingly. "You don't deserve to have pleasure. Your gonna be my cock warmer. This is you punishment.".

"Hisoka ple-". "Shh~". His tip entered me and I arched my back and pushed him away. "Ow.. that hurts". "Just relax". He laid onto his back and pulled me on top of him. He pushed his cock into me quickly and I gasped while letting out a painful moan. He sat me all the way down and his cock felt so good in me. I tried grinding on him but he grabbed my hips and stopped me.

"Fuck you feel good but I can't fuck you right now. This is your punishment.". I whined and begged to him and his eyes lit up. He started moving me up and down slowly and I moaned while grabbing onto him. "Hmm~ hisoka you feel good~". I said and I bounced up and down on him. He held my hips as he thrusted up into me. "Haa~ ahhh~ oh my god!~. I screamed as he started hitting something.

"Hisoka right there!". I screamed. "Go faster!". I said as something tight formed in my stomach. He pushed me down harder onto him while thrusting harder and faster. I screamed as I cummed onto hisoka. Hisoka stopped and grunted as he came in me and we both were breathing heavily. Hisoka took his dick out of me as the cum leaked out of me.I laid down exhausted and quickly fell asleep.

(Just kidding I ain't gonna do hisoka like that)

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(Just kidding I ain't gonna do hisoka like that)

(Just kidding I ain't gonna do hisoka like that)

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( 1042 words )

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