༄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐎𝐊𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐘𝐔༄(break-up) pt.6

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A week has flew by since I've been staying here

Tanjiro told me that he is still finding a way to turn me and nezuko back into humans

I couldn't wait to be human again

Containing myself from eating people is getting hard so I take long naps,maybe up to 3 or more days

Being an upper rank is scary because of how strong I am

One time while me and the others were discussing about how to defeat mu- I mean master,because of how spooked I was just by thinking of him,I accidentally flipped genya over and broke his rib and arm.I didn't know he was approaching and I got scared

Well he already don't like me,and he never did,he surely will hate me more.

Another nightfall came and it was quiet like normal,shinobu gone on a mission while her two sisters were fast asleep in their rooms

I couldn't sleep that night so I went outside to get some fresh air

10 minutes passed since I've been walking around in circles in the front yard,I sat on a tree stump that was 20 steps away from the estate

I heard something rustle behind me and I quickly teleported behind it about to punch whatever was behind me when they caught the punch

"Woah!, careful dear~"

I know that voice!


"Yes it is me~"

He said while pulling me to his chest,my face looking up at his,his hand on my lower back

"I've missed you~"

"I've missed you too,but what are you doing here?!"

I said pushing away from him

"If the others see you here,they'll kill you and maybe me!"

I said as I pushed him into the bushes out of the open

"I want you to come back,(y/n)-chan"

He said caressing my cheek

"I'm too scared to go back,plus I don't want to"

I said holding his hand

"Please?,do it for me?~" (If yk,yk)

Gosh I hate when he uses his begging voice

"I don't know...."

"Master says if you come back,the punishment won't be as bad.he also says if you choose to stay he will send demons,and upper ranks this way to kill all your friends"

I don't wanna go back. What if he erased my memory again?,but I don't want all my friends dying because of me

I lowered my head

"Fine...I'll come back,but stay right here I need to do something "

I said running back to the estate

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it:

'dear friends,I am leaving for all of your guy's safety,I don't want anyone dying or hurt because of me. Please don't bother looking for me.thank you for letting me stay here for a while.from your friendly demon (y/n).'

I sat the note on the bed and went back outside

"Ok let's go..."

He put me on his back as I held on tight while he jumped through the air.I cried silently on his back,my tears wetting his kimono

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