Rengoku Kyojuro

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(spoiler! Mugen train)

"please! Please! Don't die on me kyojuro!"

I cried out as I seen the kakushi's running towards us

They pulled him off of me slowly

"No! Please I don't want him to leave!"

I yelled while wiping my bloody hands over my eyes and face

(Flashback to 5 mins ago)

"No! Kyojuro! Don't close your eyes!"

I screamed at him

He reached his hand to my face

"It'll be fine...... although I did want to start a family with you (y/n).......I love you"

He said as he used the rest of his strength to kiss me

(Present time)

"No please don't leave"

I sobbed out as I stood up

Then tanjiro came and hugged me

"It's gonna be ok (y/n)"

I just cried into his shoulder

After the incident Mr. Ubuyashiki let me go home early

That night I cried my eyes out until I couldn't anymore.

Now everyday that I wake up I feel nauseous and have to throw up

One day I went to the store to buy a pregnancy test

"Maybe I'm overreacting"

I said as I took the test

"There's no way I could be pregnant"

After waiting for a few minutes I got hungry so I left the test in the bathroom and went downstairs to make me something to eat

I ended up making me a peanut butter and  jelly sandwich and went back upstairs to see the test

My mouth flew open when I seen the two lines


I said and broke down into tears

"I wish Kyojuro would've known"

I said and I wiped my tears

I finished my food and put some clothes on while taking the pregnancy test with me

I knocked on shinobu's door

She opened

"Hello (y/n)!"

She said and hugged me

"How are you doing?"

She asked

"I've gotta show you something "

I said and she let me in

I sat at the table and handed her the tissue wrapped pregnancy test

She looked at me confused

I got teary eyed a little and my shaky voice said

"Unwrap it"

She unwrapped the pregnancy test and her eyes went wide while she covered her mouth with her hands

"Your kidding?"

I shook my head no and she hugged me while crying

"Omg (y/n)! Your pregnant with Kyojuro's baby!"

I nodded

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