Inosuke hashibira (love)

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I was training with lady kanroji, the love hashira when all of a sudden she brung up inosuke. "What's with you and inosuke? Hm?~". I sheathed my sword and looked at her. "What do mean?". I asked nervously. "There's something between you two". "I don't know what your talking about". I turned away from her to hide the smile on my face.

She grabbed my shoulders and turned me back to face her. "Oh please. I'm the love hashira. I can sense when two people are in love with eachother". "Oh please. Inosuke would never like me". My smile dropped. "How come?". She asked. I sat down on boulder that was on the ground and sighed.

"Just look at him". I said while looking in the direction of inosuke and zenitsu fighting while tanjiro tried to break it up. "He's stubborn and hates everyone and everything . I bet love isn't the first or last thing he would think about. And plus I'm not his type".

"How would you know?". Ms kanroji said as she sat next to me. "He doesn't even look at me nor my way". "Yes he does!". She said loudly. I quickly shushed her and she giggled. "He does?". "All the time!. I've always seen him look at you but as soon as you look at him, he turns his head. How come you've never caught that?!". I shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't take his hatefulness towards the world fool you that he can't love". I looked towards their direction and caught what lady kanroji was talking about. He was already looking at me! But he put his boar mask on to play it off. I smiled a bit then looked back at ms kanroji. "I guess". I said.

"Let me tell you something to get to know him better". "I'm listening". "You know how he was raised in the wilderness with boars?". "Hey don't just say he's like this because he didn't grow up like other people-". She put a finger to my lips. "Just listen!. His father is a demon". My eyes went wide.

"Have you ever met Douma?". I shook my head no. "Well he's a demon that has rainbow eyes with long and sharp hair. He's the cult leader of the eternal paradise cult. Basically he killed his mother. But before she died she threw him into a river where he was found by boars who took him in.". I gasped. "He's been through a lot so that's why he's like that. But I'm sure you can make him feel better~" she winked.

"Ms kanroji!" I shrieked and fell off the boulder. She giggled while motioning her eyes to a direction. I followed her eyes and saw inosuke and the others looking down at me. I got embarrassed and looked down. "Ms (L/n) are you alright?!". Tanjiro asked as he held a hand out to me.

"Yeah I'm fine and you can just call me by my first name, tanjiro". I went to grab his hand but inosuke pushed him and held his hand out. I blushed and went to reach it but he yanked his hand back and laughed. "You thought I was gonna help you!? Haha!". He laughed. I let out an embarrass and nervous laugh.

Ms kanroji then helped me up then smiled. "Thanks". I said and she noticed the sadness in my voice. "What's wrong?". "Nothing.... Im gonna head home". I said and grabbed my things. I waved at everyone and was about to leave. "(Y/n) do you want me to walk you home? It's about to be dark soon". "No I want to do it tanjiro!". Zenitsu yelled while inosuke just stood there quietly.

"Thanks guys but I'll be fine! See ya later!". I said and began to walk. Tanjiro was right, the sun was setting soon. It soon became dark and I was almost home. "Why is my house so farrrr". I whined. "I can get you there quicker". I quickly turned around and grabbed my sword to see a demon. "What the hell do you want?!". It licked its lips as it crept closer.

"Your flesh smells amazing~ give it to me!". It pounced onto me. It held my wrists as I was struggling to slice its head off. I managed to kick it off me but then it ran into the bushes. I stood my ground as I looked all around me, ready for it to reappear again. I heard a branch snap and I quickly turned to my left and sliced its head but it vanished? It was a hallucination!

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