Muzan kibutsuji ( Yandere)

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I met muzan one night after he 'helped' me from getting attacked by a demon. Before we started dating he was nice and a gentleman to me. But now he's just rude and an asshole.

"(Y/n) what the fuck are you doing?! Hurry up I have a meeting to host!". He yelled at me. "I'm brushing my hair". I said lying. He walked into the room and seen me sitting on the bed. "Why the fuck are you lying?!". He yelled and snatched me up. "Move get off me". I said and shoved him. He didn't even flinch. He then Slapped the SHIT out of me and I fell onto the bed.

"This is exactly why I hate you". I said pushing past him and going to the meeting area. I seen the upper moons already lined up and bowing as they greeted me when I walked in. "Hello Mrs. kibutsuji". Akaza greeted. "How was your day Mrs.kibutsuji?". Douma asked as he looked up at me. I crossed my arms. "It was fine". I guess he seen the slap mark on my face as he tilted his head.

Muzan was then teleported to the same room and Douma put his head back down. I stayed silent the whole meeting and decided to go back to the room towards the end of the meeting. I was laying down with my back facing the door until muzan came in. "I don't like how you've been giving me attitude these past few days". He said and snatched the covers off me. I sighed. "You know what me too! I'm tired of you treating me badly and always putting your hands on me!" I semi yelled and sat up crossing my arms to be face to face with the demon king.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me again!". He yelled. "Maybe we should break up then". I said and stood up. He looked taken aback even though he still had an angered face on. "What are you talking about? Your not going anywhere!". He said and pushed me back on the bed. "Yes I am! And I'm taking my daughter with me!". "Your not leaving with my daughter!". He trapped me on the bed.

"Mommy? Daddy?". I heard (D/n)'s voice. I looked at the doorway and she stood looking at us. I wrapped my arms around muzan and hugged him, him doing the same. "Yes darling?". Muzan said as he stood up and let me go. "Why are you guys yelling at eachother?". The 4 year old asked. "we were just making jokes out loud". I said. "It didn't sound like it..". She mumbled and hugged the doorframe.

"Tell you what". I started as I got up and picked her up. "How about me and you go out for a walk?". I finished and smiled. "Yes please!. What about daddy?". She said and pointed at him. "He won't be going". I glared at him. She signaled for me to put her down and went to give her daddy a hug. "See you later daddy!". "See you later hun". He gave her a kiss. "Go put your shoes on". I said and she ran out the room to go and get her shoes.

I looked back at muzan and he was already glaring at me. He grabbed the back of my head and made me look up at him. I stared into his glowing red eyes as he spoke. "If I can't have you, no one can". He let me go and walked out the room as I rubbed the back of my head. (D/n) came running back down the hall with her jacket and shoes. "You found them already?". "Daki helped me find them!".

She smiled. I smiled and put my jacket and shoes on before leaving out the mansion. It was cold and dark outside as I walked to my friends place. I knocked on her door and she answered it. "(Y/n)?! I haven't seen you in years!". She hugged me. "Careful (D/n) is sleep". She went agape as she seen the child in my arms.

"You had a child?!". I giggled as she looked at the child's face. "She's soo adorable!. I wanna hold her!". (D/n)'s eyes fluttered open and she spoke. "Mommy I'm cold". I stepped inside the house and (f/n) gave her a blanket. "Omg hi cutie!". She waved at the little girl. "Mommy who is she?". She said and hid behind me. "This is my friend". "I'm her aunt!". (F/n) glared at me.

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