Light Yagami (Yandere)

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Requested by Willow-tozier





You were in the shower getting ready for the date you had with this guy who you had met with in a bar. You guys really hit it off, which led to this. You stepped out the shower, dressed, and did your makeup before walking out the door. Your neighbor, Yagami was outside his door. "Oh hello (y/n) your looking stunning". He looked me up and down and smiled. "Thanks Yagami". He frowned. "I told you to call me light". I giggled. "Ok light". His smiled returned. "Where you headed?". "I'm going on a date with this guy I met 2 weeks ago"

His face quickly faded into a glare and then back to his smile. "You met him 2 weeks ago? You sure you can trust him?". I laughed. "Your always so protective over me. But yeah I trust him... Sorta. But if anything happens you have my back!". "Yeah it's because I love you" he mumbled. "what was that?". "I was asking for his name". "Oh. His name is Michael". "Micheal what?". "Why do you want his last name?". "It sounds familiar. Might be one of my friends". He smiled

"Oh..his name is Micheal rumster". "Micheal rumster..". He repeated. I looked at my watch. "Well I gotta go. See you later light!". I waved and left.

Light POV

I smiled to myself as I entered my house and went to my room. I grabbed my death note and wrote the name down in the book. "What are you doing?" Ryuk asked me. "Nothing". I replied. He looked at the name I was writing down. "Isn't that the guy (y/n) was going to see?". "Yeah and so what?". "What are you doing?!". "Killing the bastard that's gonna take her away from me". "You can't just kill him off because (y/n) doesn't want you!". I didn't care. I wrote the name and put "chokes on food" as the cause of death down anyways and left it on my bed, covering it with my jacket. "I'm gonna get in the shower". I said and walked to the bathroom

(Y/n) POV

I walked to the front to see the guy waiting in his car for me. It was a nice looking car. Man I knew he had money but not this much. He got out the car and gently grabbed my hand. " Hello beautiful ~". He kissed my hand. "hi handsome~". I flirted back. He smiled and opened the car door for me. I sat in the car and he buckled my seatbelt before closing the door. "What a gentleman". I mumbled to myself. The restaurant we went to looked expensive and was only 5 minutes away from home. We went inside and they gave us a seat. We gave the waiter the drinks and food we wanted and that's when the small talk happened. "So what hobbies do you like?". "I like to (f/h) - (favorite hobby)". "Oh wow me too. Maybe we should set that as the next thing to do for our date?". "Yeah sure". "Do you have any kids?" I asked him. "No. But I would like some by you~". I blushed . Before he asked anything else our food came. "That's was quick". He said as we began to eat. While we were eating he continued asking me stuff. "What's your-" he stopped talking and chokes only came out. "Oh my God! Are you ok!?". I asked as I stood and tried to force the food to come out. Everyone looked as some people even tried to help. But there was no use, the food was too big to come out. I had to leave once the ambulance came and I cried while walking home. Thanks goodness it was only 5 minutes away. As I was about to enter my home light had came outside to see me. "What's wrong?! Are you ok?!". I tried to speak but only sobs and hiccups came out. He took me to his room and sat me in a chair. "You can calm down and I'll get you some water"

He said before leaving out the room. I wiped my tears away and scanned the room. It was a decent looking room. It was decorated not too much but not too little. My eyes fell onto his bed when I saw a black notebook under a jacket. I lifted the jacket up and saw a big black notebook that said "DEATH NOTE" the name of it sounded creepy. There was a pen between a page that must've been the last page he used. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened it to that page to see "Name: Michael rumster. Cause of death: chokes". Was this some kind of sick joke?

I flipped through the pages and saw many names of people who had died. Omg! This was real!. I jumped once I heard the door to the room shut and lock. I looked up at Yagami and he had a sickening smirk. "I see you've found my...notebook". He snatched it out my hands and put it up somewhere. "You know it's not polite to snoop around other people's stuff". "What the hell is that?!" You pointed behind him seeing a tall lanky figure with big eyes staring at you two before it disappeared.

You were freaking out. "Oh that's my friend but don't worry about him right now". He sat me on the bed as he stared at me. "I-is that real?". "What? The names and people dying in this book? Well of course it is! That's how I got rid of that filthy Micheal bastard!". "B-but why?". " What do you mean why?! He was taking you away from me!". "Y-you liked me?". "Well duh! I've been stalking you for the longest! But of course your too slow to know that. But as you now know I am kira. Cause of the deaths of the people on TV". He smiled, a crazy one at that. "Wait as in THE kira!?". You mumbled. He nodded

Tears burned your already puffy red eyes as you were about to start crying again. "What do you want from me?". He held my face in his hands. "I want you, (y/n)". "I-i can't be with you. Y-your kira!". He narrowed his eyes as his hand traveled to my hair and gripped it. I yelped. "You can and will be with me,(y/n). Wether you like it or not". He said as he pushed me back onto the bed. He crawled on top of me and started kissing my neck. I held back moans as I pushed him off me.

"I'm not having sex with you! Not after what you've done!". He smirked while pulling his notebook out. "I guess I'll just write your name in here and you'll die". "You don't even know my last name". You relaxed a bit knowing that. " Who told you that? (Y/n) ( l/n)?. My eyes widened. "I-i never gave you my last name!". "I'm your stalker. I found it on my own". You just wished this was some sick prank he was doing but once you saw the pen touch the paper, you knew it was no joke. "W-wait- light!". He looked at my teary eyes. "F-fine. I'll do it. Just don't kill me". You sobbed.

He closed the notebook and smiled to himself. "That's my good girl ~ now how about I teach you?~ considering that I will be the person to take your virginity~". The devilish grin that came across his face threatened me if I said no. "O-ok". More tears fell down my cheeks and he wiped them away.

"Don't worry, love~. I'll be very gentle~"












How was this? Willow-tozier. This was the best that I could come up with.

Thanks for the request

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