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"are you ready babe?"

You asked sanemi

"Hold on"

He said

"I'm gonna wait in the car"

I said walking outside to the car

I started the car and put the heater on,as it was freezing cold tonight

I was scrolling on my phone when the driver's seat car door opened,and in came sanemi

"Before we go to this party I have a few rules. 1 don't get wasted. 2 don't go shaking your ass on the dance floor. And 3 no talking to other men"

You rolled your eyes

"That's basically what you do at a party!"

He looked at you

"I let you wear that short ass dress so just listen to my rules"

"It's not even-"

I sighed

"Ok fine"

[Your outfit]

I gave him the directions and he drove

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I gave him the directions and he drove

10 minutes later we arrived

I seen my bestfriend,Rayna as she waved at me

Sanemi found his friends

He gave me a peck on my forehead


He said

I walked over to Rayna


I said as I hugged her

"Hi (y/n)!. Your looking good"

She winked

"I'm lucky sanemi even let me wear this"

I said giggling

"Come on let's go inside!"

She said,dragging me into the place

Loud music entered my ears as we
Went to the bar

"What can I get for you two ladies"

The bartender asked while smirking at me

"C-can I just get a margarita?"

I stuttered

"And for you?"

He looked at Rayna

"A devils springs vodka"

She said

"Coming right up ladies"

He said winking at you

He went to make our drinks

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