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Killua yelled at me


I yelled back

He took a deep breath and looked at me

"I don't care where you want or don't want to be, you are not to leave this house!,Do you understand me?"

He said through gritted teeth

"I don't give a fuck about your rules I'll leave if I want to"

I said walking away

But to feel a sharp pain in my wrist and I looked back to killua and he was digging his nail into my skin,making it bleed

"Ow! What are you doing!?"

I said while tears came out my eyes

"I said,do.you.under.stand.me?"

He said digging harder into my flesh

"Yes! Yes! Just stop please!"

I whimpered out


He said as he let go,and I held my wrist

"Let me go get Band-Aids"

He said while walking off and I wiped my tears and sat on the couch

He came back and cleaned my wound

And we sat on the couch watching TV while he had his arm around my waist

"Are you hungry,(Y/n)?"

He asked as I didn't reply back

"I said,are you hungry (y/n)?"

He said while squeezing my waist harder


I replied

"Ok,I'll be right back to get us food"

He said while walking out the door locking it

I walked upstairs and put pillows under the blanket to look like I was sleeping and jumped out the window

I ran all the way to my boy best friends house which was 30 minutes away,but it took me 24 minutes cause of how fast I was running

I banged on the door and he soon opened it


"What are you doing here I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?"

"No time for questions!,let me in!"

I said as I rushed in and closed the door locking it and closed all the windows and curtains

"I'm running from my boyfriend, he's crazy!"

"How about you stay here the night and we can go to the police station tommorow?"

"Sounds good"

I said as I laid on the couch

"You can sleep in my room,and I'll sleep down here"

"Thank you"

I said as I gave him a hug and went to his room and soon fell asleep

(Few hours later)- 3:30 am

I woke up to crashing and screams

Then everything went silent and footsteps approached the door

"(F/n)?" - (friend name)

The foots stopped at the door and bursted open

I screamed as I saw killua all bloody


he yelled as he dragged me out the room

I didn't want to see what was wet on my socks so I closed my eyes

"Open your eyes!"

He said as he grabbed my face and turned it to the corpse on the floor

I cried and shouted

"This was all your doing (y/n),you should've stayed home"

He said as he dragged me home.

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