Tomura shigaraki

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"come on (y/n) we're taking you on the field with us to fight. And don't try anything funny if you know what's good for you"

Dabi said

My eyes lit up

'I get to see my friends again! Even though I can't go back with them'

I thought to myself as I went downstairs with the rest of them

I stood next to dabi with my head down

Kurogiri teleported us out of the bar and into the city

Dabi pulled me into an alley way

"Stay here"

He said while smirking and going back to the rest

I was thinking of running when something grabbed me from behind

I looked back to see a nomu

I tried to scream when it picked me up and held a hand over my mouth

I started crying as I was terrified of these things

Their big and creepy

I heard bakugou and midoriya's voices and a few other of my friends

It was a few minutes of them fighting and me trying to get out of the nomu's grip

"Where's (y/n)!? Bring her back!"

I heard midoriya yell

"If you really wanna know then you can see her"

He said smirking while motioning the nomu to come stand with them

The nomu was squeezing me while muffled cried came from me

'He just used me as bait! That bastard!'

"You can let her go"

Shigaraki said to the nomu

The nomu dropped me and I fell to the ground

Dabi picked me up from the ground


Kirishima yelled

Dabi whispered into my ear

"If you try anything I won't hesitate to kill you"

I seen all the 1A students rushing over to us

Dabi pushed me to the nomu but before I landed into the nomu's arms it was blasted away and someone snatched me up

It was bakugou

"Are you ok (y/n)?"

He asked

I nodded

He handed me to kirishima

"Take her somewhere safe"

He said going back to battle

I seen dabi and the rest watch me as they took me away

"We missed you so much (y/n)"

He said while running somewhere

"I missed you guys-"

I got cut off as kirishima was kicked into a wall and I seen the nomu grab me


I yelled

I wanted to do something so I use my quirk which was Rose

I can make thorns come out my skin that had a poisonous tip

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