Bakugou katsuki (yandere mafia boss)

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"God (y/n)". The blonde head said as he held a picture of the girl. "I want you so bad. You're so pretty and kind towards others. A little bit too kind. I only want that kindness to be towards me only. But don't worry, I'll have you to myself soon. I can't wait to see my cum all over your face and body. To fill all your holes with my cum. To make you choke, gag, moan, beg, and whimper out to me to stop". His pants grew a tint as he thought about all the things he would do to you.

As the mafia boss was lost in his thoughts about you, a knock came to the door. "Come in". He said and in came kirishima. "She's arrived boss". Kirishima said. I grinned. "Start the plan now".


I sat down at the table in my favorite cafe. I ordered my favorite dessert with a coffee/tea/juice to drink. I sighed to myself as I was still looking for a job but there was no one hiring. "God I hate my life". The waiter came with my dessert and drink and sat it down too roughly which caused my drink to spill onto my white shirt. "Hey!". "Oops sorry". She rolled her eyes. She left and came back with a rag. I took the rag and cleaned my self up before asking for a to-go box.

I put my dessert into the box and stormed out of there, not even bothering to get my drink. On my way out I bursted into tears. "Why does life have to be so hard on me?". My eyes were blurry and I accidentally bumped into someone. I fell onto the ground and my dessert fell on top of me. "For fucks sake". I mumbled under my breath. I looked at the person who I bumped into and he had blonde hair with a black tip on the side.

"Im sorry". I said as the person helped me up. "It was my fault im sorry". The person said. I threw my dessert away in the trash and helped the guy pick his papers up. While gathering his papers I came across one that said: HELP WANTED. "Excuse me". I said. "Yes?". The guy questioned. "what's this for?". I said, showing him the hell wanted paper. "It's a job application for (any job you want)!".

"Thats exactly what I'm looking for! Do you mind telling me where I can go to get it?". "I'll take you!". "You don't have-". "No it's fine! My boss tells me to bring him new people whenever someone is interested in this job". "Oh ok sure then!". I smiled. "But I need to change clothes". I said looking down at my stained shirt. "If you don't mind me giving you a ride to speed things up?". I was kinda hesitant but I just agreed and got into the car.

When we arrived I took a shower and threw on some clothes and went back out to the car. The guy pulled off and I was on my phone waiting to get to the destination. Hour and a half later the guy pulled up to a mansion with luxurious cars. "Uhm Is this where the meetings gonna be?". He nodded and parked the car.

He opened the door for me and I stepped out. I walked behind him to the door and there were two guards standing in front of it. They opened the door and I stepped inside. It was so beautiful! The counters were marbled black with orange in it and it was so pretty!.

 It was so beautiful! The counters were marbled black with orange in it and it was so pretty!

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