Baji keisuke (cheater)

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You and Baji have been together for 2 years. The first year you guys were together he was always over you and always showed his love to you. The second year came and he started acting different.

One night I followed him to his so called "work" at night to see where he was really going. Once he got there it didn't look like a work place instead it was a house. Boom I got him. I never confronted him but instead waited until our anniversary came which was 2 weeks away.

I wasn't hurt, no. Instead I wanted revenge on that cheating fuck. The day came and I was getting dressed to go dine out on our anniversary. I wore a red dress because what other color says revenge than red?.

I finished getting dressed and waited in the car for Baji. He finally got in the car. "What took you so long?". "Oh I was uh". He stuttered over his words. He was probably texting or talking to the girl about when he would be free. "Alright it doesn't matter let's just go".

"Are you ok?". "No you dumb fucking cheating ass bastard!". Is what I wanted to say but I had to keep my act on. "Oh yeah I'm just really hungry". "Alright. The restaurant isn't that far so we should be there soon". "Ok". I smiled.

Few minutes later we arrived to a fancy looking restaurant. Bingo!. Just what I was looking for. I'm really gonna embarrass him. We entered the restaurant and they led us to our reserved seat that he paid for. God was my body just tingling to get revenge on him.

We sat down and the waiter already took in our orders and we had small talk before the waiter came back with our food and drink. (You ordered a champagne and whatever food you liked). "Happy anniversary, love". His voice sickened me.

"Happy anniversary..". I smiled sickly in my head while sipping down on my champagne. "Together for 2 years. What a thrill". I drunk almost the whole glass, leaving a little at the bottom. "Sure is. Now.... How about the other girl?".

I asked. He looked at me like I killed someone but then played dumb. "What other girl?". "How long have you been with her? Hm?". I picked up my champagne glass. "Don't play fucking dumb baji!". I splashed the rest of the champagne on him, causing people to look over at us.

He looked around embarrassed and angry at the same time. I grabbed my plate of food and threw the whole thing at him. "You fucking cheater! I hate you!". He grabbed my wrist and stopped me while looking angrily at me. "What the fuck is your problem!?". He had my blood raging.

"What is my problem? WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?!" I yelled at him. I pushed him off me and threw everything on the table onto him. "GO ASK THAT OTHER GIRL WHAT HER PROBLEM IS! SLEEPING WITH A TAKEN MAN!". I stormed out of there not caring about the mess I made because he would have to pay for it.

I got into the car and drove back to my house. I didn't even bother touching his stuff as I wanted him to do more work moving out. I took everything off and got into the shower. Afterwards putting on some pajamas and sitting down on the couch in the living room while eating ice cream and watching tv. An hour passed and he wasn't here.

Probably still paying for their property. Then the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it ready to yell at him to leave when I saw a blonde headed girl. "Who are you?". "Is baji here?". She asked. "Ohhhh. So your the little bitch whose been sleeping with a taken man?". "He never told me anything about having a girlfriend". She gave me attitude.

"Well I'll tell you what". I reached under my shirt and grabbed a gun from my waist line and pointed it at her face. "If you pop your lice headed ass back over here again, I'll blow your head off. Do you understand me?". She froze and nodded. "Get the fuck away from my house". She quickly ran away while crying and I slammed the door while laughing.

About 10 minutes later another knock came to the door but it was more aggressive. I got up and skipped to the door to see baji who was breathing like crazy. He pushed me into the house while closing the door. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? NOT ONLY DID YOU EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF A BUNCH OF PEOPLE, BUT YOU ALSO THREATEN MY GIRLFRIEND WITH A GUN! AND I ALSO HAD TO PAY FOR THE DAMAGES YOU DID!".

He screamed as I just laughed. "So she is your other girlfriend?". "IT DOESN'T MATTER!". "Get your stuff and leave". He pushed me onto the couch and I quickly pulled my gun out. "Get your stuff and fucking leave or I'll be walking out with a body bag". He backed off me and stared at me for a moment before going to get all his things.

When he went to leave I said one more thing. "Oh and I also fucked Mikey last week while you were out penetrating that lice infected bitch". I slammed the door and locked it before going upstairs and fell asleep instantly.

Next morning I texting Mikey to come over and he did. "Hi Mikey". I hugged and kissed him. " I heard what you did to his other girlfriend". He hugged and kissed me back. I giggled. "He told you everything?". "Yeah. He's also mad that I fucked you". "Who gives a fuck?". He chuckled.

"I'm definitely not gonna cheat on you". "If you want your head on your shoulders than that's a good idea. Now anyways let's go upstairs". I smirked. He picked me up and walked up the stairs while kissing my neck.

"I'll have kids with you instead" -(Y/N)

(The cheating bastard)

(Our new love interest)

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(Our new love interest)

(It's not that I don't like baji but it's just that he looks like the type to cheat and do these things you know? Now I don't know what he's like in the anime but eh

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(It's not that I don't like baji but it's just that he looks like the type to cheat and do these things you know? Now I don't know what he's like in the anime but eh. He actually was one of my anime crushes but not anymore)

(1068 words)

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