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Requested by: Willow-tozier















You and shoto we're watching a scary movie while cuddling. A jump scare came and it made you jump. You scooted into shoto to feel more safer in his arms. His body stiffened which made you look at him. "You ok?". " I'm o-ok just c-cold". You reached for the blanket and threw it over the both of you since he was "cold". You continued to watch the movie when another scare caught you off guard and you jolted into shoto. He made a tiny groan as he wrapped his arms around you waist.

"Ooo! I'm sorry baby! Did I hurt you?". "N-no your fine". His face grew a bright red. Your focus went back to the movie. You were still watching the movie when you felt shoto groping your chest. You were about to turn around to say something when he put a hand on your hip and pulled you back into him. You felt his hard erection on your ass. You moaned at how the way he was touching you. "Sh-shoto we should b-be wa-watching-" you didn't finish as he slid his hand under your shirt to play with your nipple. While the other hand went down into your shorts as he rubbed your clothed clit.

You moaned and held his hand. "We should r-really enjoy the m-" you moaned louder as he pressed your clit harder and pinched your sensitive nipple. His touch made you wet and you soaked your panties. He took his hands off you and climbed on top of you to see your flustered face. You felt embarrassed on how you made a mess in your panties and avoided eye contact with him. "Don't be embarrassed sweetie~ I love the way your body reacts to my touch~". He cooed as he littered kisses on my neck. Soon finding my soft spot, sucking and licking it. I moaned his name and his already erected member was showing hardly through his pants. He took your clothes off as he stared at you. "Look at your naughty body all spread out for only my eyes to see~". He looked at your soaked core and smirked. "Did I make you this wet?~". He asked a question that he knew he could answer.

His words were making your already aching core, cry out for him. You bucked your hips towards him, signaling that you wanted him. His smirk grew deviously. "What is it that you want?~ didn't I tell you to use your words when you wanted something?~ you know how to speak~". God you were dying from embarrassment. "Sh-shoto please can you l-let me take y-you". He grinned as his goal of making you say what you wanted was successful. You were drooling just thinking about him pumping into you. Usually you would have him put on a condom so that you guys were safe. But this time your cunt was aching for him to be inside you. He took his clothes off and grabbed a condom from the drawer when you stopped him

"W-we can go raw this t-time". "Alright my love~". He crawled on top of you and you thought he was going to insert his self into you but instead he gave you a passionate kiss. You frowned as you were really aching for him to just ravish you. Shoto wanted you to be distracted while he inserted into you. While deep into kissing you felt his tip entering slowly. You made a long moan against his lips. Without warning he pushed into you hardly and you screamed into his mouth. The surprise made you close your legs. This seemed to make shoto annoyed as he aggressively opened them back and as wide as he could. It felt like you were going to spilt into two at how wide you were.

He pushed the rest of his length into you. "Fucking hell (y/n)~ I thought you would get used to me~ I guess not~ we'll just have to train this little cunt of yours to adjust to my cock~". Your walls were squeezing around his cock as he thrusted into you so fast. He might seem like a soft boy to a stranger. But in bed, he wasn't so soft. He couldn't control him self even if he so badly wanted to. You were a moaning mess as it felt so good. You were blissed out of your mind. He wanted to cum so deep into your womb to make sure you were pregnant with his kids. He wanted to plant his seed so deep in you that he didn't need a doctor to tell you guys that you were pregnant.

He continued to thrust getting harder and faster each time. He even switched positions so you were now on top. "Fuck yeah~ come on daddy~ fuck me harder~". You moaned. Your walls were spasming around his cock as it was beginning to get overwhelming. But you didn't care. It felt too good to care about how sore you would be. You praised him so that he wouldn't stop. You felt the knot in your stomach form and you placed your hand onto his chest. "Shoto~ I'm cumming~ cum cum cum~". You mumbled. He heard your mumbling as he bucked his hips faster, up into you. Your tongue was hanging out your mouth and your eyes crossed. Your body tensed as you came. He continued anyway. "Shotooo~" you whined as your walls spasmed harder around his cock.

"Shh~ shh~ don't worry~ I'll fill you up with daddies cum soon~". He changed positions, now in the missionary position as your knees were on your chest and he fucked you into the bed. His thrusts got sloppy and he started slowing down as he breathed heavily. "Fuck I'm cumming (y/n)~". He said and not soon after his seed shot into me. We both panting on the bed as he pulled out of me. He smiled at his work as he watched the cum leak from me. He grabbed a towel and cleaned both us off. He came back to the bed and gave me a kiss. "You did so good". "You did awesome too". You said and kissed him back. A loud scream caused me to jump and shoto laughed. "This movie is really scary, huh?". You rolled your eyes as you cuddled into him and fell asleep.










I didn't know which todoroki you wanted so I just went with shoto. If this wasn't the todoroki you were asking for I would gladly make another one for the inconvenience. Thanks for reading my stories, Willow-tozier

I'll work on your next requests soon

I'll work on your next requests soon

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